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Newspaper Scrap-Books
Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 12
(15/06/1973 to 31/08/1973)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
2 15-Jun-73 Normandy Festival Week at the Village Hall. Full report.
8 13-Jul-73 Lady Morris of Westwood Place,Normandy is the only member of the Normandy Branch of the RBL to have seen military service in the two world wars. Report
8 22-Jun-73 Members of Normandy & District Gardening Assoc.were among winners at the Mid Wessex Flower Show.
5 22-Jun-73 St.Marks Mothers Union were hosts to 12 members of St.Marks Mothers Union of Battersea Rise,London.
6 22-Jun-73 Barry Backhurst aged 13 obtained a first for his Victoria Sponge in Normandy Festival Horticultural & Produce Show.
6 22-Jun-73 Mr & Mrs Vic Grimley helping out at the Duke of Normandy found they enjoyed their evenings in the bar so much that they recently sat the Brewers Exam. Both passed with credit.
7 22-Jun-73 Mrs June Groves of Glaziers Lane will represent the National Federation of WI at the Royal Show held
10   Normandy Riding Club held their horse show and gymkhana at 2.Pirbright rd
12 20-Jul-73 The Golden Wedding of Mr & Mrs Charles Merrett of Corbie Cottage was celebrated with a family party. Last year the couple were honoured by the Pope. They were the mainstay of the Roman Catholic Church of the World.
16 27-Jul-73 James Hardy aged 14 of The White House,Glaziers Lane won the Hinds Rifle Shooting Trophy at Bisley
18 3-Aug-73 The unsightly corner of Guildford Road and Glaziers Lane was brought up at the Parish Council meeting.
18 3-Aug-73 Parish Council member Mrs Dorothy Steers has called for a public meeting to let the public know the Dept of Environment intends not to intervene in the establishment of a gypsy caravan site at Clasford Bridge.
18 3-Aug-73 Normandy is in sympathy with Worplesdon over threatened development for growth of Guildford
19 3-Aug-73 Negotiations by the Parish Council to aquire lamd off Flexford Rd for the purpose of a play area are proceeding.
19 3-Aug-73 Land has been acquired to provide allotments in Westwood Lane from Guildford Rural Council.
19 3-Aug-73 Normandy Scouts will represent Guildford District in the County Patrol Activity weekend at Bentley Copse.
22 17-Aug-73 Mr P Jones of Brook House has built his of 30ft yacht in his garden.
22 17-Aug-73 The go-ahead has been given to RBL to enlarge their H Q.
23 24-Aug-73 Normandy Scouts encountered very bad weather for their sponsored. Walk of 250 miles along the Penine Way.
23 24-Aug-73 A lunch party was held to raise funds to renovate the Church Hall.Cost in the region of £5100.
24 31-Aug-73 The death of former nurse Mrs Nan James.She came to the village in 1925 and covered a large area on her bicycle as Normandy District Nurse.

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