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Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 9
(09/06/1972 to 15/09/1972)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
4 16-Jun-72 Heavy rain came close to ruining this years Normandy Festival, however large crowds lined the roads.(full report)
6 23-Jun-72 Wanborough & Normandy Rural Amenities have made representation to the Post Office for a public telephone to be sited at Wanorough Station
7 30-Jun-72 The Parish Council received a shock when estimates were given for providing additional street lighting. (full report)
7 30-Jun-72 100 people collect their pensions from Westwood Lane P.O. and the elderly of Szarbo Crescent need a seat for a rest nearby.
8 01-Jul-72 Parking problems at the junction of Glaziers Lne & Guildfford Road prompted the Normandy P.C to press for a carpark
8 01-Jul-72 Possibly just a prank but a black flag on top of the 100ft high disused chimney in Normandy brickfields.May be symbolic!!!
11 21-Jul-72 Normandy & Wanborough Amenities strongly objecting to building of 52 homes off Glaziers Lane.
16 28-Jul-72 The battle for a rail crossing at Wanborough Station to replace one British Rail have removed has been lost9
22 12-Aug-72 Permission was given to Mrs Marjotie Martin to continue using a caravan in the grounds of Red Leys Mrs Martins work running Red Leys was soundly praised by Mr Cook.
22 04-Aug-72 At the planning enquiry concerning the establishment of 52 homes on easter side of Glaziers Lane Taylor Woodrow put forward the plea "Homes before grass"
24 25-Aug-72 Normandy branch of R B L have a 19 year long close association with the Old Contemptibles of Hounslow. A service of thanksgiiving was held in St.Marks Church for this association
25 25-Aug-72 A novel way of easing possible tension between employees and employer was demonstrated at Vokes
26 01-Sep-72 Last Sunday there was a dust storm whipped up by a jalopy race meeting at Elm Hill.Residents complain.
30 15-Sep-72 A fete organised by the Gredadier Guards Assoc. was held at Normandy Recreation ground.(report)
30 15-Sep-72 A school bus with 60 children, some from Normandy broke down on the way to South Ash School.

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