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Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 5
(10/07/1970 to 30/01/1971)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
2 10-Jul-70 Miss Emily Elizabeth Booty aged 89 died in hospital last week. (details of her life)
2 10-Jul-70 Judith Mitchell of Longerend Farm,Normandy has been awarded the Moir Carnegie Prize at R A M
2 10-Jul-70 A Civic Service was held at St.Marks to mark selection of A.A.Cook as chairman of Guildford Rural Council.
2 17-Jul-70 Normandy Scouts now collect newspaper for which they receive £6 for every ton.
3 17-Jul-70 Normandy & District Gardening Assoc. placed 1st in group exhibit class at Mid Wessex Show.
5 03-Jul-70 Normandy Congregational Church to open a nursery school for 16 children in church of Guildford Rd.
5 03-Jul-70 Members of Parish Council stood in silence at biginning of their meeting in tribute to Miss Emily Booty who died recently.
4 24-Jul-70 Ex pupils of "Denehyrst School are launching a Trust Fund in memory of their late headmistress Miss Booty.
5 29-Jul-70 The plan for a joint (Football Club ??) has reached stalemate
5 29-Jul-70 At the Parish Council meeting mr Dick Dyson said so much money was being spent on the village hall it was time to think about building a new one.
7 07-Aug-70 The owner of the grocery store at Normandy crossroads suggested altering the corner to allow traffic to filter off A323
7 07-Aug-70 Songs of the first world war were heard coming from R B L clubhouse recently.Members were entertaining Hounslow branch of Old Contemtables after the annual parade in Aldersshot.
10 28-Aug-70 21 caravan dwellers entered a garden competition at the Homestead Caravan Park run by the Residents Assoc.
12 07-Sep-70 The new headquarters for the 1st Normandy Scout Group were officially opened by Major-General R.L.Bond. a Vice President of the Guildford Scout Council.
13 25-Sep-70 Residents of Dolley's Hill caravan park were evacuated at 10pm last Thursday whillst a grenade was removed.
17 07-Oct-70 Normandy Car Park plan was approved by Surrey South West Planning sub committee.
18 16-Oct-70 Organised by two residents of Willey Green a petition with 1,837 signatures of residents of Normandy, Fairlands Est. & Ash concerning the unreliability of the local bus.
18 16-Oct-70 After doubt whether the village would have a festival at all, 70 villagers respond by attending a meeting.There will be a 1971 Festival weekend.
19 30-Oct-70 Mr Walter Owen of Orchard Close earns a second award. He has been presented with the London Transports silver cross award for 35 years safe driving.
20 30-Oct-70 The Football Club has been given permission by the Council to go ahead and make plans for a building in the recreation ground, also to make provision to accommodate the youth club. But both clubs agree it would be impossible to share a building.
22 06-Nov-70 NADS had a Halloween punch party in the village hall.
22 13-Nov-70 The Royal British Legion had a Fancy Dress Party with dancing to the Eric Garland Trio from Camberley
23 13-Nov-70 "Vicars Wife is a Professional Portrait Artist".An account of the earlier life of Louise Hawkett wife of vicar.
24 20-Nov-70 £24 was raised at the Scout sale in their headquarters in Guildford Rd.
25 29-Nov-70 The Brownies of 1st Normandy Pack raised £18 at a coffee morning last Saturday
28 11-Dec-70 "Its going to be taken away" This refers to the track across the line at Wanborough Station upsetting mothers with young children and a pram.However British Rail is adamant
28 11-Dec-70 The Christmas Bazaar run br St.Marks Church Yough Club raised £43 to go to the club building
29 18-Dec-70 The R B L had a good year financially and socially with profits of £2265.New furniture bought also.
30 24-Dec-70 A Nativity play entitled "Little Angels" was presentedat St.Marks Church.It was adapted by Brown Owl Doris page.
31 01-Jan-71 Bad road conditions,snow and late trains contributed to the fact that only four members attended December meeting on record 20 minutes !!
33 15-Jan-71 Twenty members of Normandy British Legion were guests of Hounslow Old Contemptibles at the Warner Hotel Hounslow.
33 15-Jan-71 100 children attended a Festival party in the village hall.Children dressed as tramps.
34 15-Jan-71 Normandy Festival caberet group entertained the over 60's party last week.A film was shown by Mr Orchin.
34 30-Jan-71 A woman, as yet unidentified was killed at the railway arch in Westwood Lane on Wednesday.Two cars involved.
34 15-Jan-71 A request for a speed limit in Glaziers Lane has been refused by County Divisional Surveyer Dr.Bristow.
34 30-Jan-71 Although sympathetic to villagers feelings on the removal of the track across the line at Wanborough Station The Parish Council has agreed that the decision by British Rail must be accepted
34 30-Jan-71 The Parish Council is to ask for more cash1 penny (2.4d) £700 for general admin.£700 for lighting.The product of a new penny rate is £1586.

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