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Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 3
(27/9/1968 to 2/12/1969)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
1 27-Sep-68 Henley Park Social Club (Vokes Ltd) held its annual show in the village hall last Saturday
1 27-Sep-68 Christmas Pie W I has writen to the Paarish Council with two requests
. . (1) A play area in the Christmas Pie Area. (2) Leveling the ground and a barrier at end of School Lane. The revised street lighting plan has had Ministry approval and consent to borrow £3,273. Order to be placed this week.
2 27-Sep-68 St.Marks Harvest Supper was held in the village hall last Friday.
2 27-Sep-68 The charity Shelter received £46 raised at a coffee morning held by Normandy Wyke and Christmaspie W I
3 27-Sep-68 Total weight fish caught by Normandy Sea Anglers this year so far 1,600 lbs
6 22-Nov-68 The three churches in Normandy united in a meeting of a coffee morning and bazaar at St.Marks vicarage.£20 was raised for Christian Aid.
7 Ald.News Young Conservatives have run a survey regarding views on any further development in the village.
8 29-Nov-68 Judith Mitchell 21 of Longerend Farm will make her debut with Guildford Symphony Orchestra.
8 29-Nov-68 Normandy Minimart in aid of Scout Hut building fund raised £20. .Normandy Red Cross raised £34 for funds
9 18-Dec-68 A sale and Christmas Bazaar run by St.Marks YouthClub raised £80 for club funds.
9 18-Dec-68 Mr Cyril White of Bailes Lane reeceived the M B E from the Queen.
10 20-Dec-68 Mrs Elsie Olley was presented with a gift from the nursery staff of Royal Surrey County Hosptial when she retired.
10 13-Dec-68 Aldershot News- A "phantom" galloping horse in Ash Green & Normandy in the early hours of Monday morning.
11 03-Jan-69 Normandy road conditions ar crying out for atteention says the Council Chairman.To defer to divisional Surveyor.
11 03-Jan-69 Slow but sure, street lamps are appearing in Normandy.Delay due to the delivery of columns.
13 17-Jan-69 Over 150 Normandy over sixties were guests of the Management Comm of the village hall.It was the 16th annual party
13 17-Jan-69 Normandy Cricket Club are holding a cricket week in July.Also hope to retile their dressing room floor and showers.
13 17-Jan-69 Mr Douglas Roberts of Guildford Rd has retired from the Cricket Club after 46 years
14 ? The 48 street lights in Normandy will necessitate an extra1p on the rates.Capital cost £3273.
14 07-Feb-69 John Russell Stacey complimented Young Conservatives on detailed survey of the village
15 14-Feb-69 The thriller "Dead on Nine" by the N A D S kept audience in suspense last week.
16 14-Feb-69 Members of Normandy Red Cross gave a surprise party last Monday to say "thankyou" to ladies who run the Club
17 21-Feb-69 A sale and Christmas Bazaar run by St.Marks YouthClub raised £80 for club funds.
17 28-Mar-69 Surrey County Council refused a request for a footpath in Pirbright Rd,east of Hunts Hill Road.
17 22-Mar-69 Moto-Cross rider Paddy Gardiner riding a 441cc Cheney Victor had a promising weekend scramble after a 12 month lay-off.on Saturday at the Easter Isle of Wight scramble.
17 28-Mar-69 A group to preserve the rural character of Normandy has been formed called Normandy & Wanborough Rural Amenities aims to combat large developments in the area.
18 03-Apr-69 18 yr old Carol Anne Littledale is 1969 Festival Queen.
18 18-Apr-69 Railway enthusiast Richard Halton taking a leaading part in trying to open "Farmers Line" between Kent & Sussex as a working museum in the days of steam.
19 18-Apr-69 10 year old Amanda Hitchcock is 1969 May Queen
19 25-Apr-69 "The plays dreary dialogue fails to hold the audiedncce" This was the report on the NADS last play of season
19 25-Apr-69 With the sudden death of Mrs Irene Egglestone (54) Normandy Parish Council election was cancelled.
20 09-May-69 Normandy village hall chosen to stage the annual produce and handicraft show of the Red Cross.over 60's
20 09-May-69 It was "drinks on the house" at the Duke of Normandy last Monday when Mr & Mrs Arthur Lucas celebrated their first day as licensees.
20 02-May-69 Normandy street lighting still the butt of complaints although scheme not yet completed
20 02-May-69 Normandy Festival will take on a Western theme.
21 09-May-69 After five years of energetic fundraisingbegun the Scout Hut building was begun and should be completed September
21 09-May-69 judith Mitchell 21 of Longerend Farm will make her debut with Guildford Symphony Orchestra.
21 16-May-69 After 30 years as leader of the Cubs Cyril Dyson has retired and has donated a soliver cup to the Cub Pack.
22 13-Jun-69 The sum of 126.7s3d was collected by Normandy & Wanborough during Christian Aid week.
23 13-Jun-69 Tory victory at Normandy. Seven Conservatives for the council have been elected
24 13-Jun-69 Big crowds see the Wild West come to Normandy as theme for the Normandy Festival.
24 13-Jun-69 In connection with the Festival there were exhibits of painting,drawings and handicrafts on view in the village hall
25 20-Jun-69 Parents organised a petition about dangers of children using Westwood Lane to go to school.Asking for a ffootpath.
25 27-Jun-69 A new youth club has been formed at St.Marks Church to be called St.Marks Fellowship.
26 18-Jul-69 Miss Jackie Railton aged 21 of Manorgate,Glaziers Lane drowned whilst at Clevedon,Nr.Bristol
26 25-Jul-69 A large gathering of parents and friends watched Guildford & District Cub Scouts swimming gala at Normandy
27 25-Jul-69 A new floor for the village hall will complete major structural repairs.Cost in region of £1,000.
27 25-Jul-69 The 1st Normandy Scout Troop has won the Guildford & District Camping competition held at Merrow.
27 01-Aug-69 Danger to motorists and pedestrians at Willey Green corner of the Guildford Rd. Alterations have been deferred due to country's economic situation
29 12-Sep-69 Seven members of TocH Surrey Branch organised outings & games for children of Red Leys.
30 19-Sep-69 Vokes Show has a record numbers of entries
30 26-Sep-69 The Soil Asssoc.organised a "whole food" supper in the village hall.
31 03-Oct-69 The "Phonebox peril" worries villagers who maintain resiting could save accidents
31 03-Oct-69 Normandy W I celebrated its Golden Jubilee on Wednedsday with a luncheon.
32 28-Oct-69 Beer flowed freely and free at British Legion when a 29ft long mobile club parked in the grounds
32 19-Nov-69 Normandy Cricket Club know how to look after ladies,wives,girlfriends of club members.Wined and dined at the Henley Park Social Club.
33 02-Dec-69 Residenets of the Homestead Mobile Homes Park who claim their rent has gone up 60% in 3 years are aasking their M P Mr Cranley Onslow to seek legislation for rent control on such sites.

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