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Newspaper Scrap-Books
Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 16
(26/11/1986 to 11/03/1994)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
1 26-Nov-86 Support growing in village to save old village pond.This is result of village resident Ann Adey after seeing old photo of pond. Plus photographs of work in progress
1 4-Jan-85 The giant cedar tree in front of Westwood Place has acquired a fungus and is threatened with the axe.
1   Normandy Then and Now, 200 people packed the village hall anxious to learn history of various houses and decision to set up aHistory Society passed unanimously.
1a Jan.1987 Collection of cuttings re Pond clearance and enthusiasm in establishment of Historians.
1a Oct.1987 An article by Chris Howkins "Seen in Surrey".after tour of pond site by Mrs Ann Adey.
2 1-Jan-88 Village pond wins an ecology award.
2 18-Nov-88 A Memorial Fund set up in memory of Jack Weston.Verger of St.Marks Church for 50 yrs.Also caretaker of Wyke School and "lollipop" man.
3 21-Oct-83 The site of the disused telephone exchange in Glaziers Lane considered unsiotable for village hall by GBC planners.
3 21-Oct-83 Village Hall is taking on a new look thanks to a Youth Training Scheme.
4 20-Dec-87 A rare bird from eastern europe appeared in garden in Christmas Pie
4 21-Jul-89 Normandy maypole dancers performed at the Normandy Pond Project Craft Fair and raised a considerable sum.
5 20-Oct-99 The Brititsh Legion has complained to the parish council that the war memorial needs a "tidy up".
5 20-Oct-89 Circle Uk Ltd,owners of the village shop in Guildford Rd sort permission for an illuminated sign for the premises. This has been allowed but must go off at 10pm
5 20-Oct-39 There was fire in a mobile home at Chapel Farm.Crews from Guildford Fire Station called but nobody was hurt.
5 13-Oct-89 John Lockyer-Nibbs has resigned as chairman of the Parish Council.Robin Seymour has taken his place.
5 13-Oct-89 Normandy Pond has won award of merit of £50 in a village ventures competition organised bu Surrey Voluntary Council services sponsored by Shell.
6 24-Nov-89 Virtue triumphs in the NADS Christmas Pantomime Dick Whittington.
6 22-Dec-89 Circle Uk Ltd, owners of the village shop in Guildford Rd sort permission for an illuminated sign for the premises.would park their vehicles in the bus bay.
7 16-Feb-90 Plans to restore Henley Park Mansion worrying residents.
7 5-Jan-90 The 1.03 acre site of Normandy Auto Sales at Chapel Farm, Willey Green will no longer be a scrapyard.But will be developed with light industrial workshops.
8 29-Dec-89 Hippies arrive on the site of ex Manor Fruit Farm a week before Christmas.
8 12-Jan-90 The Council take action to move them on.
8 26-Jan-90 Legal hitch,a delay in issuing the warrant of eviction.
9 9-Feb-90 The hippies quit on eve of eviction.
9   Letter from R.T.Laking of Orchard Close enquiring if anyone knew where the Halifax bomber shot down "in Normandy".
10 23-Feb-90 Drawing and description of Mr & Mrs Turner."Flax" Pond at Little Flexford.
11 16-Mar-90 An article by John Baker, the artist,asking if there was a future for old farm buildngs.
12 4-May-90 Jason Oliver aged 19 has won his Queens Scout Badge and attended a parade at Windsor Castle
12 4-May-90 The Parish Council is concerned at the state of Henley Park Mansion.
12 18-May-90 Mr Mark Ashworth has asked the Parish Council whether if would support local shops suffering the effects of uniform business rates.
13 18-May-90 Talks to plan the future of the Village Hall
13 18-May-90 There will be talks to plan future of the village hall.between Parish Council,village hall trustees and manag.comm.
14 29-Jul-90 The Fun Run.400 feet echoed round the village.Oer £1000 raised
14 13-Jul-90 There was a fire in 2 empty stables behind the Anchor pub.Police treating this as arson.
15 10-Aug-90 Rev.Neil Turton samples a pint of Abbot Ale at the Duke of Normandy.
16 24-Aug-90 Residents In Pinewood Rd confronted workmen,who,without consulting them had come to lay paving stones in the lane. It is feared the lane will become developed.
17 10-Aug-90 Fires swept acoss Ash Ranges as residents in Pirbright Rd were wokien at 1am by police loud hailers advising them to leave their homes.
17 10-Aug-90 Ash Ranges fires have been a disaster for wildlife.
17 21-Sep-90 Letter from Robert Rendell concerned with "road crashes" inevitable If Golf plan is brought about by extra road usage.
18 7-Sep-90 Meeting organised by the Rural Amenities Assoc. concerning the twp new golf courses planned to land off West Flexford
18 7-Sep-90 Miss Dorothy Applebee ancient bicycle stolen from outside the garage by the post office.
18 16-Nov-90 Authorisation to take enforcement action to stop use of land at Oaklands Farm being used for storage of blocks etc.
18 23-Nov-90 Letter from Roy Hill, Chairman of the British Legion asking if a venue of their own could be found for the Pheonix Youth Marching Band.
19 2-Nov-90 Rev Neil Turton is to run in the New York Marathon to raise money for Normandy Scouts.
20 11-Jan-91 The restored Normandy Pond wins top national award set up by Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.
20 4-Jan-91 Death is announced of Mr William Olley aged 95
22 1-Feb-91 Henley Park Mansion needs saving from dereliction .A new developer has lodged plans.
22 22-Mar-91 Village "eyesore" complaints of a pile of wrecked cars behind houses in Elm Hill,Normandy mentioned in Parliament by MP Cranley Onslow.
23 3-Feb-91 Plans to provide a home for Guildford City Boys Football Club have been accepted by the Parish Council.
23 8-Mar-91 There is to be a public meeting for villagers to have a chance to put questions to GCB
23 8-Feb-91 The deplorable state of Willey Green has prompted the council fo ask for legal advice.
24 24-May-91 An action group has been set up to fight golfing schemes.I.e.the proposed esstablishment of 2 golf courses in farming land off Flexford Lane.
24 24-May-91 The idea of starting a Normandy Bowls Club is welcomed.
25 17-May-91 Sixty firemen fought fires across Surrey,including Ash Ranges last week..
25 30-Jun-91 Wyke school raise £2,000.for NSPCC
26 7-Jun-91 The story of how Vokes came to Henley Park.
27 12-Jul-91 Vandals wreck cricket club pavilion.
27 5-Jul-91 Much debate re.ex Manor Fruit Farm site.Parish Council vvote against putting in a bid for the land.
27 5-Jul-91 Mr Doug Backhurst appeals for helpers to clear ditches that run through parish land. Rev Neil Turton to look into alternatives
27 5-Jul-91 Henley Park Mansion crumbling into ruins
28/29 12-Jul-91 Normandy Pond Project craft fair raised £700.
  6-Jul-91 Mrs Doreen Bellerby,Mayor spoke to twin town of Freiburg at the fair.
28 2-Aug-91 Surrey C C rules that Wyke pupils must move on.
29 23-Aug-91 Thre letters against the golf club plans from local residents.
29 30-Aug-91 Leading light of Royal British Legion Mr Frank Fulbrook dies.
31 4-Sep-91 Photograph of Normandy Pond with Ann Adey chairman of the Pond committee.
32/33   The pageant organised by Normandy Historians to mark 100th anniversary of Wanborough Station.
34 4-Oct-91 Plans for a new pavilion for the football club are now afoot.To replace one destroyed by arson last June.
34 4-Oct-91 U-turn on behalf of Parish Council on the prospect off 5 football pitches planned for ex Manor Fruit Farm.
34 27-Sep-91 There is gathering momentum behind the formation of a bowling club within the village.Meeting planned Novv.15th.
34/35 4-Oct-91 Two letters from residents,one for the proposed golf course and one against.
35 4-Oct-91 Peter Padley-Smith of Canada Life honoured with life membership after 25yrs service.
36 18-Oct-91 The Surrey County Council Wardrobe now has a home of its own in School Lane.
36   Mr Keen,Normandy postmaster foiled a knife carrying burglar.
37 15-Nov-91 Parents and childrenof Wyke First School travelled to House of Commons to meet MP.Cranley Onslow They are concerned by Surrey CC ruling that their children will have to leave Wyke School.
37 22-Nov-91 Concerns over traffic in Normandy including the extra lorries visiting Strawberry Farm should the proposed golf course and football pitches become a reality
39 6-Dec-91 A row broke out at the last Parish Council meeting over the use of the yet unfinished rebuilt football pavilion.
39   Normandy Pond supporters will be gathering at the Village Hall for a Christmas Social evening.
39 13-Dec-91 Residents are up in arms about the Football club plans to mke a base at ex Manor Fruit Farm.
  13-Dec-91 The "elbow" shaped road opposite the Anchor has been given the name of Wells Lane.
39 13-Dec-91 Normandy Amateur Dramatic Society have just produced the comedy "Stepping Out" by Richard Harris.
40 20-Dec-91 Henley Park mansion has been allowed to decay over the years.Guildford Borough Council to take action.
40 17-Jan-92 Protest over the plan by Guildford Borough Council to use 32 acres of Manor Fruit Farm to provide five football pitches.
41 17-Jan-92 Space, grandeur and a sense of history is provided at Wanborough Manor.On the market for £450,000.00.
42   Mr Brian Brooks has appealed against the ban imposed on him to cease trading an egg and cheese factory.
42 17-Jan-92 A letter from Stephen Holdship against the proposed soccerr pitches.
43 24-Jan-92 Possible victory in sight of the parents of 8 plus year olds 1993/94 children at Wyke School.New classroom installed.
43 24-Jan-92 Two further letters against proposed football pitches from Pam Smith & C.J.Messer.
44 7-Feb-92 Scheme for a crossing, Guildford Road,School Lane discussed by parish council.
44   Further "for and against" letters re football pitches in village.
45/5/7   The plan to establish a gypsy site in Wyke Avenue has been dropped,but possibility of Cobbetts Hill being used
45 21-Feb-92 Letters re football pitches.
47   Headmistress if Wyke/Normandy village school objects to use of the school on election days
48 6-Mar-92 Long awaited safety improvements on the A323 at junction with School Lane
49 13-Mar-92 Thieves stole 20lbs worth of cheddar cheese from Wyke First School on Saturday night.
49 13-Mar-92 Led by Albert Cunningham a group of parishioners are waniting a bowling green in the village.Discussion by Parish Council.and a piece of land near tennis courts allocated.Planning permission and finance to be discussed later
49   Photograph of Normanady actors "limbering up" for their next production "A Pack of Lies"
50 3-Apr-92 On the eve of her 100th birthday Mrs Ellen Cooley was toasted as special guest at Normandy over 65's party.
50 3-Apr-92 The Parish council is to form a sub committee to look at all planning applications.
50   Letter from Mrs Doris Page in praise of local amateur dramatic talent and criticise high prices at Yvonne Arnaud theatre.
50   Normandy Cricket Club has been awarded £8500 by Guildford Borough Council arts and recreation committee towards £35,000 needed for new changing rooms project.
51 3-Apr-92 Article on Henley Park mansion by the artist John Baker with a drawing of the Chinese bridge.
52 8-Apr-92 Parish councillors are reeling after receiving a "shock" bill for £6,900 from the Borough Council.This amounts to 3/4 of theirt annual budget.None of the councillors knew that an architect had been commissioned to draw up plans for a new amenity hall.Only £9,922.00 remains for the whole year.
52 8-May-92 Photograph of Bill Turnill plus bike.He had raised £200 to add to cost of repairs to the church bells.
53 8-May-92 Lambs in the area by dogs. been attacked Farmers in the area are adopting a shoot to kill policy.
53 15-May-92 Fiona Hall crowned 1992 May Queen
54 22-May-92 The Parish Council have agreed to write for green recycling cones from Borough Council.
54 22-May-92 Ill founded accusations against a local surveyor prompted by the council receiving a high bill (see page 52) six weeks ago prompted the Parish council chairman to make a formal apology at last weeks meeting.
55 5-Jun-92 The "red card" is given to the soccer pitches plan in Normandy but only by casting vote of the chairman
55 5-Jun-92 Disappointment at parish political split.Mrs Kerby and Mrs Drage elected as chairman and vice,both Conservatives had the Liberal Democrats refusing to stand.
55 5-Jun-92 Mrs Carolyn Nott resigns after 3 1/2 years as Parish clerk
55 26-Jun-92 Councillor Doug Backhurst must stop unauthorised use of land at Strawberry Farm.The Backhurst brothers have been given 3 months to stop use of sale of pet foods,storage of lorries etc.
55 26-Jun-92 Photograph of the unveiling of a picture showing life in the village at turn of the century
56 26-Jun-92 Normandy Wyke First School named as one of the top 350 in the country
56 26-Jun-92 Mr Cranley Onslow Woking MP was special guest at Wyke School fun day.
56 3-Jul-92 Letter in support of the Backhurst brothers business at Strawberry Farm by Diana Hawksworth
57 10-Jul-92 Letter from Bernard Crooke who spent much of his childhood at Strawberry Farm.Now disgusted at state of the land.
57 3-Jul-92 Guildford City Boys Football Club still seeking a permanent home.
57 17-Aug-92 Death of Mrs Doris Page.Better known as Brown Owl.Also active member of St.Marks and WRVS among others.
57 3-Jul-92 A catalogue of faults discovered following construction by local building firm.Urgent work needed on soccer pavilion
57 3-Jul-92 Tory resignation "too political" parish council Mrs June Drage maintains councillors no longer able to work ffor the common good.
57 10-Jul-92 Chairman of the parish council Miss S Kerby pours oil on troubled waters in her letter.
58 17-Jul-92 Chris Howkins of SA visits Mrs Judith Turner at Little Flexford and confirms that her pond was a medieval flax fletting pond.Mrs Turner has set up an exhibition
59 31-Jul-92 Mrs Mildre? Potter nominated as tea lady of the month of May .She has organised cricket club teas for 60 years.
59 31-Jul-92 Mrs "Squibs" Holmes wins top prize for beautiful balcony in Guildford in Bloowm contest.
59 7-Aug-92 Wyke Avenue residents offered to organise the Novembeer 5th bonfire this year.
60 7-Aug-92 Normandy is to have a by election .20 parishioners have requested it.It will cost £2000.
60   The telephone kiosk is in the wrong place at end of Wyke Avenue.
60 21-Aug-92 A year ago Andrew Elphick disappeared. There is still no clue as to what happened to him.
60 14-Aug-92 Call for speed humps and sleeping policemen to slow down traffic in Orchard Close and School Lane.
60 14-Aug-92 David Newman is the new Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.
61 25-Sep-92 Albert Cunningham wins the by-election with 190 votes beating Normand Ratcliffe and Sidney Foster.
61   Mysterious crop circles near Guildford are genuine unexplained phenomenon claim experts.
62   The Parish Council have put forward a plan for Manor Fruit Farm
62 21-Oct-92 Each councillor has been allotted a village notice board to look after.
62 9-Oct-92 Farewell to Rev. Neil and Wendy Turton who go to St.Peter's Church Frimley.New vicar wiil be Rev.Andrew Knowles..
62 9-Oct-92 An open meeting has been arranged for Nov.19th when parish council will put forward plans for Manor Fruit Farm.
63 9-Oct-92 NADS committee are asking for volunteers to take part in a village pantomime.
63   A start has been made on the repairs to Henley Park Mansion.
63 30-Oct-92 Mrs Judy Turner has received a triple commended certificate as runner-up of the Surrey Wildlife Pond Award.
63   There are hopes of a bus service for people living at Dolley's Hill.
63/64 30-Oct-92 The award for best cricket club ground in the county has been awarded to Normandy.
64   The NADS new play is "One for the Road" by Willy Russell.
64 5-Feb-93 A Normandy parish councillor has resigned over the troubled cricket club lease.Robin Seymour apologised and left the meeting.
65 22-Jan-93 The claims of two councillors,Gerry Taylor and David Newman shake parish body.
65 12-Mar-93 Tempers flare at talks on future of Manor Fruit Farm.
65 12-Mar-93 NADS March production will be " Time to Kill"
66 9-Apr-93 As a result of public meeting (page 65)The Trustees of the Village Hall are now prepared to consider a new building on Manor Fruit Farm site
66 21-May-93 Pressure is mounting to end "shilly-shallying" with regard to Manor Fruit Farm latest proposals.
66 21-May-93 Notices against overnight parking have been erected in the village car park.
67 9-Jul-93 Neighbours in Flexford Rd are against the proposed development of 15 houses on 1.16.acres land at rear of Elmerdene and Halam.
67 23-Jul-93 Brothers Randolph and Barry Gardiner who have fought legal battles over their mothers will have both been turned down on separate planning applications.
68 16-Jul-93 The possible/likely story of the memorial sttone found recently in the grounds of Puttenham Hill Nursing Home.
69   Normandy Bowls Club has scuppered the parish councils plans for Manor Fruit Farm
69 27-Aug-93 Objections received by Guildford Borough Council with regard to a poultry house built wiithout planning permission at Hunts Hill Farm.And a letter from the owner.
69 27-Aug-93 The Anchor Publc House has been forced to close for financial reasons.
70 3-Sep-93 Samuel Blackwood,agd 53 whilst treasurer of the British Legion Normandy educed its bank balance from £1746 to £6.13.His downfall was gambling.
70 10-Sep-93 Normandy Fun Day on the Bank Holiday Monday was beamed across the airways and the U S thanks to Guildford and District Amatuer Radio Society.
71 10-Sep-93 Photo of Miss Kathleen Backhurst with the wasp nests found in her loft.
71 8-Oct-93 The parish council is seeking a volunteer constable to be the modern version of the old village bobby.
71 17-Sep-93 The father of Andrew Elphick who disappeared has raised reward money to £15000 for news of his son
71 8-Oct-93 Normandy residents have been aasked to be patient a little longer regarding manor Frui Farm.
73 15-Oct-93 Henley Park have planted approx.5000 trees in the woodland around the factory .To replace damage during 1987 gales.
72 15-Oct-93 Normandy were 3rd in the 1993 Best Kept Village Competition.
72 29-Oct-93 Consternation about the route to be taken by the bonfire procession from the village car park.
73 20-Oct-93 C P Backhurst & Co.will be the subject of a planning enquiry and during this time Doug.Backhurst has decided to from parish responsibilities for next three months
73 29-Oct-93 Sarah Reynolds of Ash Vale was trapped for 20 minutes under her horse Bessie when Bessie lost her footing.
73   County Council notice advertising the inquiry into the appeals by C.P.Backhurst & Co.Ltd
73   The Backhurst family seek local support.
  19-Nov-93 A decision on plans to build behind Elmerdene & Hallam in Flexford Rd deferred until after site meeting
74 4-Feb-94 A building at the rear of Middleview mobile home park must be removed within four months.
74 18-Feb-94 The Berkshire based Cove Angling Society has won planning peermission to excavate two lakes at junction of Cobbets Hill and Aldershot Road.
75   John Emmerson of Hunts Hill Farm has won his battle to keep his poultry house.
75 18-Feb-94 The opponents of the scheme to build 8 houses on land behind Flexord Rd cheered in the Millmead Council Chamber as the plan was rejected.
75 18-Feb-94 A seventeen year old stole two German Sheppherd puppies from Rheinhalle Kennels during 2 month crime spree.
76   Mrs Lesley Bond inviting those who would like to go to Mrs Pat Burrows retirement party.
77 11-Mar-94 Barry Gardiner fought hard against a Guildford Borough Council order to remove his mobile home from Wanborough Farm

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