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Newspaper Scrap-Book
Book 1
(25/09/1965 to 23/6/1967)



Index to Newspaper Scrap-Book
1 25-Sep-65 The St.John Ambulance Brigade organised a Wild West Bazaar in the Village Hall
1 25-Sep-65 A first Anniversary Dance was held by Normandy Young Conservatives in the Village Hall.
1 25-Sep-65 Normandy British Legion entertained Cadogan Lodge of the Royal Ancient Antedeluvian Order of Buffalos from York Rd,Battersea for fifth consecutive year.
1 01-Oct-65 Mr & Mrs Frank Hutchins,licencees of the Anchor for past 27 years are retiring.
1 01-Oct-65 Mr Cranley Onslow MP for Woking paid tribute to Normandy Young Conservatives after their "Penny Fair"
1 01-Oct-65 As winners of the Guildford District Camping Competiton Panther Patrol of the 1st Normandy Scout Group took part in a contest to find best Camping Patrol inj Surrey.
2 25-Sep-65 There were record entries at the monthly horse show at "Ragwort", Normandy and competition was keen
2 08-Oct-65 The Cricket Club held a Jumble Sale and raised £70 towards new practise nets
2 08-Oct-65 Normandy Youth Club reopened with an enrolment meeting.This to be organised in close conjunction with St.Marks Leader Mr Joe Rigby.
2 08-Oct-65 Members of the British Legion paraded their Standard at the Last Post Service at Brookwood War Memorial
2 08-Oct-65 Oil painting housewives of Normandy have formed an Art Club which meet every Thursday afternoon
2 22-Oct-65 Oil and water colour paintings were sold by local artists in the home of Miss M Hugh-Jones Proceeds to go to Oxfam.£40 was raised
2 22-Oct-65 The local sub postmaster brought to the attention of Guildford postmaster that mention of Normandy, Aldershot Hants in a local newspaper was incorrect and upset residents.
2 22-Oct-65 The winners of the last horse show of the season were presented with the End of Season Cup
3 15-Oct-65 A Harvest Supper was held in the Village Hall.Entertainment by Roseanne School Dancing and a comedy sketch produced by Mrs K Bryant
3 15-Oct-65 Normandy Amateur Dramatic Society chose "The Touch of Fear" as their next play.
3 15-Oct-65 Members of No.s.Group Royal Observer Corps,who meet weekly at the Duke of Normandy were guests RAF Transport Command at Thorney Island.
3 15-Oct-65 The Badminton Club held a Car Rally.All went well until two cars went wrong way and ended up in a herd of cattle
3 15-Oct-65 "Reintroduction of resale price maintenance" was the subject of debate in the Village Hall. The Normandy Young Conservatives were competing against Farnham & Woking for the Debating Cup.
3 29-Oct-65 Mp for Woking Mr Cranley Onslow speaking in the village hall said Britain needed not so much a National Plan as a National Effort.This was a Questions & Answers meeting
3 29-Oct-65 "Drinks on the House" as Mr & Mrs "Chick" Hebburn celebrate their first night as licencees of Anchor
3 29-Oct-65 Normandy Badminton Club mixed A team won their match against the Pirbright Club
3 29-Oct-65 Mr & Mrs Frank Hutchins,licencees of the Anchor for past 27 years are retiring.
3 29/10.65 Mr Murray Widdecombe Director of victualling at Admiralty given new responsibilities
4 29-Oct-65 Snakes annoying neighbours on overgrown land next "Briar Patch" Footpath at "Fern Hill" had been repaired and plans for extensions to existing Main Drainage System among items discussed at Parish Council meeting. small extension to the Main Drainage System discussed at Parish Council Meeting
4 05-Nov-65 British Legion being delayed at their building of accommadation for a steward.Land may be used for dual carriageway.
4 05-Nov-65 Bisley & Sandhurst Hunt met at the house of Miss Toulnin.Marriners House. Field of 40
4 05-Nov-65 Halloween activities included St.Marks Youth Club part at the Vicarage also a Halloween spit by Young Conservatives
4 05-Nov-65 1st Normandy Scout Troop held open meeting for parents and friends and film show
5 12-Nov-65 A review of "A Touch of Fear" .Very well received at Vilage Hall.a grand draw also held on stage after.
5 19-Nov-65 The Badminton Club won match against Cranbourn Club "A" Team 7-2
5 19-Nov-65 Death of Mr James Lee at Rosedean, Guildford Rd aged 68.
5 26-Nov-65 Miss Booty of "The Croft" honoured at dinner held at Deanhurst Hall,Miss Booty founded Deanhurst School 50 yrs ago.
5 26-Nov-65 Mrs Ann Still caretaker of Village Hall retired after 17 years service due to ill health
5 26-Nov-65 Confirmation service at St.Marks.with 44 canditates, 23 from Wyke and Normandy
5 19-Nov-65 33 members of St.Marks Youth Club went skating at Richond last week.
5 19-Nov-65 Ash & Normandy Labour party held a questtion and answer meeting in the Village Hall.
5 03-Dec-65 At recent Parish Council Meeting Mr Cook said he wanted more interest shwon in the Council Meetings. W I Given permission to plant roses in front of Village Hall.Man.Comm. hope to arrange Festival in the summer.
5 03-Dec-65 St.Marks Church held Christmas "Nurseryland Fair" with two perfomance of Punch & Judy.Proceeds £75.18s
5 03-Dec-65 Exhibition of 30 paintings by the Normandy Art Club
5 03-Dec-65 Normandy Amateur Dramatic Society begin rehearsals for "Photo Finish" to be performed in February.
6 10-Dec-65 Over 60 children attended bumper tea with games in avillage Hall organised by St.Marks Young Wives.
6 10-Dec-65 Eight Normandy Young Conservatives among a party of 70 members attending a dinner at House of Commons
6 10-Dec-65 Television scriptwriter of Normandy Mr J.H.Kruse showed colour slides taken filming Moby Dick to St.Marks.Youth Club
6 10-Dec-65 Mr Colin Davidson received a message from Guildford Station to say his daughter would be late.
6 10-Dec-65 Parishioners from St.Marks attended Normandy Congregational Church for united Carol Service. Collection for Normandy British Legion Poppy Day collection amounted to £122.7.6.
6 10-Dec-65 Normandy Fleet St.journalist Mr L White spoke to Normandy Youth Club about production of newspapers
6 17-Dec-65 £75.for Conservative Association funds raised at their Christmas Fair
6 17-Dec-65 A Normandy Evening W I is to be formed. This is Womens Institute Golden Jubilee Year.
6 23-Dec-65 1st Normandy Brownie Pack presented "The Nativity in Mime & Music"under leadership of Mrs D Page
7 31-Dec-65 Death of 81 year old Mrs Ruby Portlock of Wyke Lodge,Guildford Road
7 14-Jan-66 Evening W I will be called The Christmas Pie W I with meetings on 2nd Tuesday each month
7 01-Jan-66 Parish Council received a letter from Guildford Rural Council stating they had purchase the disused filter beds at Christmaspie Ave. and their plans might conflict with those of the Parish Council
7 14-Jan-66 Esso Petrolium Co. have a 130ft.high derrick drilling in a field in Cobbetts Hill Oad.
7 14-Jan-66 Mrs Esther Cook at 93 was the oldest member of the annual Over 60's party given by Village Hall Man.Comm
8 14-Jan-66 Mr & Mrs William Chalcraft celebrate their Golden Wedding.
8 14-Jan-66 The British Legion entertained 27 children at their annual childrens party
8 09-Feb-66 Normandy Conservative Associattion held a cheese & wine party and film of activites for Duke Edinburgh Award
9 28-Jan-66 Are street lights needed in Normandy.Parish Council to look into cost
9 28-Jan-66 Young Conservatives visited an Alton brewery.
9 28-Jan-66 Anglers in Nrmandy have formed the Sea Anglers Club. With their firsst outing in April.
9 28-Jan-66 The Village Hall is in trouble and Parish Council have provided a grant of £150.
9 28-Jan-66 Over 70 children & teenagers from St.Marks Sunday School aand Youth Fellowship attend a part.
10 11-Feb-66 Normandy Amateur Dramatice Societys play "Photo Finish" well done but considered a difficult play for amateurs. As a result of recent request for street lighting the Parish Council received a letter from Mr Hamilton of Dolphin Cottage, Glaziers Lane maintaining Normandy is a villaage and "Townies" should move out.
10 25-Feb-66 Mr Cranley Onslow gets consent for 40.m.p.h.speed limit through Normandy.It remains for S C C to make order.
10 18-Feb-66 Members of Normandy W I found Lt.Col.J.W.Bowery's talk on Local History interesting
10 18-Feb-66 Plans for Normandy Festival under way. To be held June 4/5th iwith procession of decorated floats.
11 18-Mar-66 Eleven members of Wyke & Normandy W I had their first golf lesson with Mr R A Donald at Puttenham Golf Course Mr J Cushion export of English Porcelain gave talk. The Christmas Pie W.I.held first meeting with Mrs H Otway as first President.
11 04-Mar-66 Normandy Conservatives held their A.G.M..Mr Cranley Onslow gave members & friends tour of Houses of Parlament
11 04-Mar-66 Membes of Festival Committee Jumble Sale have visit from police
11 25-Mar-66 Street lighting in news again as mr Rex Reader of BBC interviewed mothers concerned about no footpath in Westwood Lane and lighting wouldd be beneficial.
11 25-Mar-66 Outlook for 1st Normandy Scouts brighter now since their summer camp.Supporters to raise fund for new Scout Hut
11 18-Mar-66 British Legion entertained British Legion members of Guildford & Farnham.
12 01-Apr-66 Normandy May Queen to be Sarah Bryant aged 12.Attendants Sally Nanson & Jill Chants also 12
12 01-Apr-66 Road lighting promlems vigorously discussed by 39 members of the village at last Parish Council meeting
12 01-Apr-66 Mr Sidney Wareham died at "Petes Cottage" Guildford Road last week.
12 08-Apr-66 Scouts & Guides sang at the wedding of Mary Norman and Derek Bassett
12 08-Apr-66 Mrs Dent suggested Normandy W.I. Should have golf lessons
13 15-Apr-66 Large number of riders converged on Normany for 21st Annnual Easter Monday Horse Show
13 15-Apr-66 "The Amorous Prawn" performed by NADS well received.1
13 22-Apr-66 The psychology of handwriting subject of talk given to W.I by Mr F.T.Hilliger of Woking last week
13 22-Apr-66 Rev.D. Faulkner of St.Marks said at recent Parochial Church meeting there was lack of space for parish organisations. Also Vicarage too large and costly to run.
13 22-Apr-66 Normandy & District Gardening Club have a very good year.Receipts up from £85 to £285.
13 29-Apr-66 (a) it was decided at the recent parish meeting that the decision on the village street lighting wait until after election
. . (b) Guildford Rural Councils proposal to build houses for the elderly at Christmaspie sewerage disposal site a disappointment as residents hoped for a childrens play area.
. . (c) The Council received a letter from British Rail stating no plans for altering alignment of bridge in Westwood Lane.
14 19-May-05 Annual church meeting discussed.a.The Vicarage.b. Membership Youth Club.c.Church magazine and Mothers Union and Young Wives Group.
14 22-Apr-66 Meeting in St.Marks Church room historic occasion when members of the Church of England & Congregational Church and Roman Catholics met rogether for Christian Aid Week Committee
14 13-May-66 Normandy May Queen Sarah Bryant crowned last Saturday
14 19-May-66 The re formed 1st Normandy Brownie Pack celebrated their 1st anniversary with performances and displays
14 13-May-66 The New formed Sea Anglers Club made their 1st sea trip last week.
15 19-May-66 New Scout Hut is still a future hope said Mr Prangnell at annual general meeting.Hut Fund at £1,324.5.8.
15 13-May-66 Meeting of local Womens Institutes at Normandy W I Annual produce & flower show. Report of recent meeting at Royal Albert Hall
15 19-May-05 Death of Mr F.J.Barnes formerly Steward of Normandy British Legion for 14 years
15 20-May-66 Dance organised by Festival Committee .Mrs Diana Jukes chosen as Festival Queen and 2 attendants chosen.
15 19-May-05 48 members of NADS went to see "The Ideal Husband" at Strand Theatre
16 03-Jun-66 Mr Albert Cook re elected Chairman of the Parish Council said that if adopted the Parish Council will have authority to say what and where lighting is installed. Public meeting to be held in September with regard to this. Suggestion that site in Glaziers Lane could be used for homes for the elderly..Seeboard request a site.
16 10-Jun-66 Report of Normandy's first festival . Over £200 raised for hall repairs.
16 10-Jun-66 Mr Thomas w. Marshall died aged 64 after long illness.
16 19-May-66 Capt.Thomas Cathie died last week aged 64. Active member of Normandy British Legion. On staff of Vokes.
17 10-Jun-66 Talk on "The work of the Bomb Disposal School,Horsham given to Young Conservatives. After the talk 4 bombs were removed from a house in Normandy found by child on the ranges.
17 10-Jun-66 Capt.Craddock,Church warden of St.Marks retired after 11 years. Replaced by Don Plumley.
17 10-Jun-66 Art & Handicraft exhibition by Normandy Art Club in conjunction with the festival
17 01-Jul-66 Normandy now has a recently enforced 40 mph speed limit.
18 15-Jul-66 Photograph & description of Mrs C E Merrett and er spinning & dying expertise.
18 15-Jul-66 Festival is to become annual event with June 10 1967 next year fixed
18 15-Jul-66 Burglars foiled on 2 occasions at the Legion Hall by burglar alarm.
18 15-Jul-66 A three ton truck & car in collision on the Guildford Road.resulting in single line serious injuries suffered.
18 15-Jul-66 Mary Burchell the writer spoke to the Normandy W I on "People I have met"
19 01-Jul-66 The annual Guildford District Cub swimming gala was held at Normandy Scout pool.
19 01-Jul-66 The British Legion are disturbed over the state of the War Memorial. The long awaited footpath in Westwood Lane about to become a reality with work starting in August.
19 07-Jul-66 The Young Conservatives raised £60 at a jumble sale Dealers from Putney & Kingston among bargain hunters.
20 01-Jul-66 Before entertainment licence for the Village Hall can be renewed it must be rewired at cost of £443. Possibilty of a tennis court being rebuilt in the surround of village hall was raised.
20 01-Jul-66 Last Sunday middle part of the Black Barn in Flexford Road. Collapsed
20 01-Jul-66 Mr Harry Aubrey Smith died aged 73 Headmaster of Wyke School for nearly 30 years. Also V.Chairman & Trustee of British Legion.
. . (b) S.Ldr P.J.Stanage,of Glaziers Lane died aged 76.He was former V.President & V.Chairman of British Legion
20 01-Jul-66 Hounslow Branch of Old Comtemptibles and families entertained by the British Legion.
21 01-Jul-66 For 1st time Horticultural & Produce show was introduced at Vokes Sports & Social Club fete.
21 01-Jul-66 Youngest competitor in the horse show & gymkhana at The Oaks,Pirbright Rd was Caroline Lockyer-Nibbs age 3 yrs
22 16-Sep-66 Eric Nanson won Wisteria Cup at the 21st Normandy & District Gardening Assoc.
22 20-Sep-66 The Festival Committee organised a social with dancing when certificates were presented to winning Carnival floats
23 30-Sep-66 Doctors surgery in the village to close on January 1st. The Council to write to Surrey Executive. The Parish Council has been informed by the Rural District Council that the former Christmaspie sewerage system will not be used as a playground but will be for a housing development. The Council had received a letter from Mrs thorn stressing the need for bus shelters.
23 30-Sep-66 150 parishioners served with hot meal for Harvest Supper in village hall
23 30-Sep-66 The Art Club to hold evening classes . The teacher will be Mr Orchin.
23 30-Sep-66 Miss Toulmin welcomed the Bisley & Sandhurst Hunt at her house, Marriners House,Guildford Road.
23 30-Sep-66 Mr & Mrs Francis Cole of Christmaspie Ave celebrated their diamond wedding.
24 . Normandy is to vote on whether street lamps are necessary.
24 ?/9/1966 A reception for 70 parishioners of St.Marks Church to re-introduce Christian Stewardship
24 ?/9/1966 At the AGM of British Legion it was disclosed membership was 251,Also had new bungalow. Poppy Day collection was £143.4.9. Highest for many years.
24 ?/9/1966 Normandy Red Cross formed 18 months ago held first sale of work.
24 ?/9/1966 National Youth Clubs Week and 0ver 150 attended St.Marks Youth Club dance.Music provided be Embers group. St.Marks lost their football match against the Anchor Young Footballers team.
25 04-Nov-66 Normandy street lighting battle won after poll was called for.
25 18-Nov-66 A storage room at the Village Hall has been transformed into a second kitchen.
25 18-Nov-66 Mr F E Hibberd aged 68 of Christmas Pie Cottage has died.He lived in this property for 61 years.
25 25-Nov-66 Local artist Mr G Orchin was among exhibitors at the Diamond Jubilee exhibition of the Post Office Art Club.
26 06-Jan-67 At recent Council meeting Mr S Gray said that to give residents the chance to give their views on siting of street lighting would cause trouble. Executive Council state it hass no power to require a medical practitioner to provide service at a particular address. Provision of bus shelters needed for villagers using the buses to get to Fairlands Surgery.
26 06-Jan-67 Normandy has 27 active organisations and societies.List compiled by Village Hall Management Committee.
27 30-Dec-66 (a) Carol singing in Normandy
. . (b) Young Conservatives carol singing raised money to buy Christmas hampers for six residents.
. . (c) The choir of the Mens Contact Club, Guildford visited the british Legion to sing carols
27 06-Jan-67 Ash motor-cycle scrambler Dennis Smith won the South Eastern Centre championship at Tunnel Hill,Pirbright.1
27 06-Jan-67 Plans for a Victorian music hall show to be held in the village on March 31st. Residents from outside Normandy were among 50 who offered their services.
27 30-Dec-66 Normandy Cricket Club will call a special meeting to decide on the paymenet of match fees. A.G.M.held
28 25-Jan-66 "Busybody" was the play performed by NADS last week.Cheese & wine party held after last performance
28 06-Jan-67 St.marks Youth Club girls made pancakes and the boys ate them.
28 03-Feb-67 "Sun all the year round" was title of film show given by Young Conservatives.
28 03-Feb-67 (a) Mr Tim Halton died aged 77.With Mr Edward Hose he laid out part of present churchyard of St.Marks
. . (b) Mrs Bertha Bosley aged 82 lived in village for 53 years and was fopundeer member of Normandy WI.
28 03-Feb-67 17 residents of Christmaspie Ave and Orchard Close attended last Parish Council Meeting to oppose building plans
28 10-Feb-67 "The Noble Spaniard" produced by NADS
29 06-Jan-67 The Guildford Rd partly blocked when milk lorry crashed through garden of 3,Willey Green.
29 ?/1/1967 Children of St.Marks Sunday School and members of Youth Fellowship attended a tea party.
29 ? A " Whole Food Group" formed in Normandy to see how much harm is done to human health by spray residue etc. Mr & Mrs Carter from a whole food restaurant in Carnaby Street answered questions.
30 10-Jan-67 The Red Cross celebrated their second anniversary with entertainment by Mrs Louise Hartley on the banjo.
30 10-Jan-67 The Young Conservatives organised a "Juke Box Jury" with Mr Simon Tomsett as disc jockey.
30 10-Jan-67 Mr J.C.Fraser of Merrist Wood spoke to Gardening Association.
30 10-Jan-67 Nine year old Leonora Sharrock was knocked down by a van and taken to Cambridge Hospital for observation.
30 10-Jan-67 Sweetie Pie the Welsh pony has died aged 38. She will be remembered by many local riders.
31 ?/1/1967 Farnborough Chronical & Fleet Times
. . (a) Proposal to build 4 blocks of 4 flats and 16 garages on disused filter beds in Christmaspie Avene considered by Parish Council to be out of keeping.
. . (b) The shocking state of village footpaths following installation of main drainage cause non entry in Surrey Best Kept Village
31 17-Jan-67 Normandy sportman David Woodcock marries Barbara Ann Buckley at St.Bartholomews Church, Wanborough.
31 17-Jan-67 The Scout Supporters Comm.organised the 30th jumble sale & raised £18.
31 17-Jan-67 (a) Mr Cranley Onslow was present at Cheese & wine party by Woking Conservative Assoc.
. . (b) Normandy Young Conservatives organised a whist drive.
31 17-Jan-67 Robin Plumley age 12 was Awarded a Certificate of Merit in Walter Haig Memorial Cup.
31 10-Jan-67 Rev Donald Faulkner vicar of St.Marks for last 4 1/2 years to take up appointment of rector of Donnybrook, Western Australia.
32 . The parishioners give a cheque of £87 to the Rev.& Mrs Faulkner as farewell gift
32 31-Mar-67 (a)Lack of space was "Crying Need" said Rev.Faulkner at the annual parochial church meeting. The church room was not adequate for 42 children who attended Sunday School
. . (b) A palatial brick building not necessary.A pre fab building would probably cost £400-£500.
. . (c) A successful year was reported by Mr J Arthur for Christian Stewardship.Mra A Jacksoon reported the Youth Club had 54 members.
32 31-Mar-67 "Tell us your complaints" said Mr A.A.Cook Chairman of Normandy Parish was decided to approach British Rail to ask if it waas practical to put footpath under railway bridge in Westwood Lane.
33 31-Mar-67 Old Time in Normandy. Show arranged by Normandy Festival in Normandy.Cast of over 50 performed. Cheese and Wine party held after last performance.
33 20-May-05 Normandy Old Time Dancing Club entertained nearly 100 guests
33 14-Apr-66 Films on sea & game fishing were shown to 50 members of the Sea Anglers Club.
33 14-Apr-67 Princess Diana Loewenstein-Werthein aged 45 buried at family grave in St.marks Church
34 14-Apr-67 Plans for Normandy Festival forge ahead.The prelude will be a dance in April.Festival Queen will be chosen.
34 14-Apr-67 Fishing from Keyhaven the Sea Anglers Club landed 38 lbs dogfish, sand dabs & pouting.Membership of 80.
34 14-Apr-67 Dennis Smith motor cross rider as member of the British team brought home Filly/S/Sculles trophy
34 14-Apr-67 Normandy British Legion Seniors snooker team presented with a silver cup
34 14-Apr-67 42 members of St.Marks Youth Club took part in a 20 mile walking marathon.
35 23-Apr-67 NADS put on a double bill the first "Fumed Oak", the second "Still Life"
35 05-May-67 The Parish Council will support Guildford Rural Council in an effort to change postal address of Normandy Ash
36 05-May-67 Normandy Cricket Club has had a good season and are one of the "formidables" of this area.
36 05-May-67 The Festival Queen was chosen at a dance in the Village Hall. She is 17 yr old Ruth Bryant.Attendants were Jeanette Andrews (20) and Ingrid Skogland (19)
37 05-May-67 A meeting to finalise arrangements for the Festival in June.
37 05-May-67 A stable belonging to Mr & Mrs Gardiner of Great Westwood Farm was gutted by fire.
37 05-May-67 A party of 32 OAP's ,handicapped from the Janae Clarke Social Centre,Putney were guests of the local W I.
37 05-May-67 At the AGM Mr Gordon Stuart, the Chairman said more male actors and an electrician were needed in Amateur Dram.Soc
37 05-May-67 At AGM of the Parish Council.Mr A A Cook as Chairman & Mr W Olley V.Chairman.Mr A Cook contratulated on elected as chairman of Guildford Rural Council.
38 09-Jun-67 Edie the cow belonging to Mrs Gardiner of Great Westwood has again had twins.
38 23-Jun-67 Guildford Rural Council has refused planning permission for the eerection of 48 dwellings on 5 acres on east side of Glaziers Lane.Normandy Residents presented 60 name petition against the plan.
38 30-Jun-67 Despite residents objections and support from the Parish Council.Guildford Rural Council has accepted recommendations from Housing Committee to build three blocks of flats on old filter beds at Christmaspie.
38 30-Jun-67 Underground electricity supply found at Normandy Park when siting lamps of village street lighting
39 30-Jun-67 Wedding of Miss Carole Chinnery of Orchard Way to MonsieurDenis Lobry of Chaumont at St.Marks Church
39 30-Jun-67 A new sport comes to Normandy-sand surfing. A club has been formed aand first meeting at Dolly's Hill.
39 23-Jun-67 of 600 balloons released at the Normandy Festival 1st received back from Cherbourg beach by 11 yr old boy.
40 23-Jun-67 Fine weather and large crowds for Normandy Festival
40 23-Jun-67 Members of Normandy Sea Anglers Club caught 30lb of Portsmouth.
40 20-May-05 Miss Catherine Tew and Mr Alan McEntee married at St.Edmunds R.C.Church, Godalming.
40 23-Jun-67 1st Normandy Scout Troop missed winning the District Camping Competition by 2 points.Gained 2nd place with 549 points

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