- Normandy in the Press
- 1950 to 1954
Normandy in the Press presents a past view and happenings
of the village as seen from selected reports and articles in the local papers.
The reader should note that until 1955 Normandy was predominantly part of
Ash, Willey Green was part of Worplesdon and a small part of Flexford was
in Wanborough.
The researched material held at County Libraries and Record Offices was
hand-copied over a number of years by society member Peter Trevaskis. Those
notes have been subsequently transcribed by members: Alan Norris, Eira and
James Nursaw; Emma Rafferty; Peter Blakiston and Stephen Cranstone.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure correctness in the copying
and transcribing, readers are advised to refer to the original newspaper
source for the full account.
- Normandy
in the Press Index
- *****
- 1950 January 14th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
- Blessing of the Plough
'We plough in hope' was the theme of the address by the Bishop of Guildford,
the Right Reverend H C Montgomery-Campbell at a Special Plough Sunday Service
held at Wyke Church on Sunday.
There was a well filled church. The plough team comprised John Lane (leader),
Hugh Brown, James Fox, Fuy Hart (all of Guildford Young Farmers Club) and
the following members of the W L A: Shirley Price, Jennie Hooper, Ivy Powell
and Rose King.
The plough was brought up from the west end of the church to the chancel
for the Blessing by the Vicar, the Reverend A L Jones.
Ropes attached to the plough were pulled by the girls, one man of the team
steered the plough, and the remainder brought up the rear.
Four of the young Farmers acted as sidemen. These were Hugh Brown, James
Miller, David Buckley and George Brown. The lessons were read by Mr F W
Hankinson, Principal of the Merrist Wood Farm Institute and by a member
of the Young Farmers, James Green. The Reverend L A Jones conducted the
service and the choir with the choir mistress, Miss E Booty at the organ,
sang an anthem 'Great is the Lord'.
This was the second year that a Plough Sunday Service had been held at
Wyke, and the Vicar hopes to make it a regular annual service. 1950
January 28th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Over 65's entertained
About 90 residents of the village whose ages were over 65 were entertained
to a party at the Village Hall, Normandy on Friday last week as guests
of the Normandy Rural Pie Committee and the Normandy Women's Institute.
An excellent tea was provided under the organisation of Mrs Chant and her
helpers. Entertainment consisted of community singing organised by Mrs
Irene Steel, who also sang solos, a magical display by Jerry Cooper (a
member of the Magic Circle) and a sketch 'Neighbours at Gooseberry Court',
which was enacted by Mesdames Ashby, Steel and Miss Ruth May. The party
concluded with more community singing, and one of the guests volunteered
to sing a solo. Transport was provided for those who wished to and from
the hall. During the party a presentation was made to the oldest lady guest
present. 1950 February 18th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Worplesdon
The application by Mr Edgar Bracewell for the transfer of the licence of
the 'Duke of Normandy', Worplesdon was granted at the Woking annual licensing
meeting on Saturday. 1950 March 4th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
- Silver Medal for Singer
Miss Celia Steel of 'Renoria' [?] , Station Road, Normandy won a silver
medal for solo singing at the Wimbledon Music Festival last week. This
particular medal was awarded for competitors making their own choice of
a song composed by Henry Purcell or by Parry. Miss Steel won the medal
with her rendering of Purcell's 'Music for a while'. 1950
March 11th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- The Surrey County Council have agreed in principle to the proposal
of the Guildford Rural District Council to establish a small sewage disposal
plant at Elm Hill Copse, Wyke. This is to take sewage of 72 houses which
at present drain to cesspools, and which cannot wait until the installation
in the district of electricity, whereby the sewage can be raised 44 ft
by pumping into the sewer included in the Ash Vale sewerage scheme.
March 25th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
A party from Normandy Youth Club travelled by coach on Wednesday to Wembley
to see the World and European Ice Hockey Championship match between Canada
and Sweden, when Canada beat Sweden by 2 to 1. After seeing an extremely
exciting game and some beautiful exhibitions of skating, some of the party
were able to go on the ice themselves before getting the coach, which got
them home about midnight.
- Conservative officers elected
A vote of thanks to the retiring chairman (Lt Col W Thorn) and retiring
secretary (Mrs R L Allen) for the great amount of work of the National
Conservative and Unionist Association (Normandy Branch) on Friday last
week. Col. Thorn expressed appreciation of the assistance he had received
from the many helpers.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year - Chairman - Brigadier
F P Allen; Vice-Chairman - Lt Col. Thorn; Hon. Secretary - Captain F C
Cradock; Hon. Treasurer - Mr J H Cockrell. The committee comprises Messrs
Abbott, P N Ashby, Cull, Howarth, Joyce, Olley, Phillips, Pooley, Col.
Blackburn, Kane, Mesdames Blackburn, Kane, Allen, Cradock, Govey,
- Ireland, Kitchen, Steel and Miss Latimer.
Mr W H Tennant, the Woking Divisional Agent, after expressing thanks to
all in the Division for their work stressed the need for making full use
of the present 'breathing space'. 1950 March 25th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy resident's pilot son killed [picture]
Master Pilot Maurice Alan Collingbourne Brown, whose parents live in Station
Road, Normandy, was killed when the Lincoln aircraft, which he was piloting,
crashed at Hemswell R A F Station, Lincolnshire early last Wednesday morning.
The plane had been on a night cross country training flight and was returning
to land in fog when the crash occurred. Five of the six members of the
crew were killed.
The eldest son of Mr and Mrs J B Brown of 'Utopia', Station Road, Normandy,
Master Pilot M A C Brown, who was aged 36 years, was educated at the Royal
Grammar School, Guildford. He joined the Royal Air Force in 1934, and carried
out reconnaissance work over German and Italian territory. He was awarded
the D F C.
- Demobilised at the cessation of hostilities, he shortly afterwards
returned to the Royal Air Force, and was stationed at Hemswell at the time
of the fatal crash. He leaves a widow and small son. The funeral was at
Maidstone on Wednesday.
1950 April 8th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- A Normandy bungalow
Landlady retained use of bedroom - concerning Mrs James of 2 Stoke Villas,
Station Road, Normandy claiming possession of Westholme, Green Lane, Normandy.
[Long report] 1950
April 22nd
Surrey Times
Messrs Vokes' new venture - branch business in Canada.
Farewell dinner party given by Vokes of Henley Park at the Hog's Back
Hotel for Mr J Parkinson, sales manager, and Mr BRS Gill, assistant, who
left for Canada last Saturday to start a new branch of this world-famous
Surrey firm. Sir Ian Stewart Richardson Bart, one of the directors, presided
and Mr CG Vokes MD was present.
Mr Vokes recalled some of the things he pioneered such as windscreen wipers,
four-wheel jacks and dashboard petrol gauges. In 1929 there had been a
test by the War Office of every known make of filter. In these rather alarming
tests Vokes' had been rated as 100% efficient although they themselves
modestly claimed 99.9%. Up to the outbreak of war people thought they were
just a bunch of enthusiasts and filters were of no great use. Mr Vokes
recalled a conference late at night in the first few days of the war when
it was said "we do hope your filter is as good as you say or we have
no hope of winning the war!"
1950 April 28th
Woking News and Mail
- Death of Sir Philip Henriques
We regret to report the death of
Sir Philip Henriques, J.P., D.L., which occurred on Wednesday at his home,
Normandy Park, in his 83rd year. A barrister by profession, he had been a
Justice of the Peace since 1907, sitting at Woking. Sir Philip joined the
Surrey County Council in 1913, was elected a county alderman in 1930 and
chairman of the Council in 1937, a post he held with distinction for three
years. He was knighted in 1918, having been assistant financial secretary to
the Ministry of Munitions during the first world war. The funeral is private.
1950 April 29th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Death of Sir Philip Henriques
[Long report] 1950
July 1st
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Land behind church waterlogged
Ditches at the rear of Normandy Church urgently needed cleaning, stated
report before the Guildford Rural District Council today, following an
inspection of waterlogged land behind the church. The various owners concerned
are being approached.
- Church Fete raised £17
A garden party at Wyke Vicarage on Saturday was organised by a committee
of the Parochial Church Council in aid of church funds. About £17
was raised. The attractions included sideshows and competitions and entertainment
for children.
The Normandy Scouts, under the direction of their Scoutmaster (Mr White)
gave displays of physical training and camping and the Normandy Girl Guides,
under their captain (Miss Turner) demonstrated country dancing.
Teas were provided by members of the Mothers Union and the secretary of
the fete committee was Captain F E Cradock. 1950 July
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Stole petrol from employer.
A man who was said to have been led astray pleaded guilty to two charges
of stealing a total of fifteen gallons of petrol, value 45/-, [£2
5s.0d] at Farnham Magistrates Court on Thursday week. He was Alan Augustus
Dray, 14A Hall Place, Guildford and the petrol was stolen from his employer,
Brian Lowther Pickford at Normandy on 3 and 10 June.
P C Forehead said when questioned about the petrol, Dray admitted he had
stolen it explained that an acquaintance told him if he could get him some
petrol, he would pass Len 2/- a gallon. On 3 June he took a little from
each lorry in Mr Pickford's yard, and for this received 10/-. The other
man knew he was stealing the petrol, but still wanted to buy more, so on
10 June he took ten gallons, put it in a lorry and drove it out of the
yard. For Dray it was stated that Mr Pickford, who thought a great deal
of him, would continue to employ him. It was generally felt that he had
been led astray. Defendant was fined £2 on each charge. 1950
August 12th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy cottage rent cut
The present condition of 2 Westwood Cottages, Normandy was poor Guildford
Rent Tribunal stated on Wednesday when they cut the rent from 30/- to 17/6
weekly. The lessor, Mr A E Weston Goodman was told that if extensive repairs
were carried out, the Tribunal would hear the case again.
The semi detached cottage, containing two bedrooms, a living room and kitchen
is rented by Mr L Machin. He suggested a rent of £6.10s monthly,
and Mr Goodman a rent of £1.10s weekly. 1950 August
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Nearly 500 entries in Normandy Horse Show - [results] 1950
September 16th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
Request to 'Aldershot and District' to serve Westwood Lane
[No details of report.]
1950 September 16th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
- Additional buses
The Parish Council are to ask Guildford Rural District Council to approach
Aldershot and District Traction Company with a request for a bus service
running from Westwood Lane, Flexford Road and Station Road, Normandy, and
also to ask the company to put more buses on the Ash Green route on Fridays
and Saturdays for the benefit of shoppers. 1950 December
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
Feature - Our Villages Today
Wyke and Normandy
[No details of report.]
1951 January 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Seventy children attended Normandy Sunday School Christmas party on
Saturday at the Village Hall. Fifteen attendance prizes were distributed
among junior scholars. A fancy dress competition was won by Jean Vincent.
Superintendant A A Cook arranged the party. Mrs Cook was responsible
for refreshments and Mr A Barnes for the entertainment.
1951 February 24th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Church is re-opened.
Normandy Congregational Church was re-dedicate on Sunday after being closed
two months for renovation and extension and the installation of electricity.
The service was conducted by the Reverend J A Kaye assisted by the Reverend
C Osborn and Pastor Saunders. Guildford Congregational Church Choir led
the singing . Over £11 was taken in collection.
1951 March 3rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Two handkerchiefs each
Anniversary services were held at Normandy Congregational Church Sunday
School on Sunday. The Attfield Bequest of two handkerchiefs for each scholar
and book awards for those with the best attendance was presented by Mrs
Grant Osborne. The morning service was conducted by the Reverend Grant
Osborne (District Minister). Alternate hymns were sung by boys and girls
and the lessons were read by two scholars - Joyce Hutchins and Valery Korrie.
Collections were in aid of the Sunday School Funds.
1951 March 10th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Sweets given by parents and friends were distributed to each child
at Normandy Congregational Sunday School party on Saturday. The children
had tea, games and competitions and Miss D Applebee and Mr W Fooks provided
musical items.
1951 March 17th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Improving the look of Westwood Lane
Magistrates uphold Canal case against Albert Edward Durbridge, site owner
at the Rest - (Long report)
1951 March 24th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Annual Parish Meeting - (Long report)
- Miss Betty Grimshaw
Former Wyke chorister, Miss Betty Ruth Grimshaw, only daughter of Mr and
Mrs J L Grimshaw of South Molton, Devon who lived at Normandy for eighteen
years died in hospital last week aged 25. The funeral was on Saturday
at St Mark's Church Wyke where Miss Grimshaw was formerly a member of the
choir. The choral service was conducted by the Reverend A L Jones. The
mourners were Mr and Mrs J L Grimshaw (parents), Mr and Mrs J Trevaskis,
Mr and Mrs C Drew, Mrs G Grimshaw (uncles and aunts), Miss G Grimshaw and
Mr Peter Trevaskis (cousins), Miss W Cowley, Mrs Price and Mr and Mrs Bentley.
1951 April 14th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Wyke Parish Church Annual Meeting - (Long
1951 April 27th
Aldershot News
Players and officials at Normandy Table Tennis Club competition (picture) 1951 June 2nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Congregational Church 125th Anniversary - (Long
1951 June 23rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Twenty-four members of Normandy Gardening Association visited the gardens
of Binton Cottage, Seale on Saturday by permission of Mr and Mrs J Colyer.
The party spent two hours touring the fine display in the five acre garden,
in which Rhododendrons were the main feature.
1951 June 30th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Station Road to be re-named Glaziers Lane.
- Marriage of Miss Doggrell at Wyke Church on Saturday.
Miss Jean Winifred Doggrell, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Doggrell of Deanland,
Guildford Road, Normandy was married to Mr John Trimming, only son of Mr
and Mrs Trimming of Bethel Lane, Hale, Farnham.
1951 July 21st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Normandy is having a weekly film show. The first performance was on
Monday and its continuance after a trial period of three months will depend
on public support.
1951 July 28th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Guides
Patrol leader Eileen Manuel aged15 of the 1st Normandy guide company has
passed the test for the Queen's Guide Award.
- Motor cycle accident
Mr Medland of The Ashes Flexford Close, Normandy fell from his motorcycle
and fractured his thigh on Sunday afternoon. He was taken by ambulance
to The County Hospital.
1951 September 15th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Electricity in the church
The installation of electric light in Normandy Parish Church has been approved
by the Parochial Church Council and will cost over £100. To meet
the cost, a garden party will be held in the Vicarage Garden today. There
will be races, a fancy dress competition for the children, side shows,
clock golf and coconut shies for the adults. Refreshments will be served
by The Mothers Union.
1951 September 15th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Is Station Road a common name?
Debate about change of name to Glaziers Lane
(Long report)
- Mr Arthur Rodwell, Roseville Poultry Farm, Westwood Lane, Normandy
has been awarded the "Daily Mail" Gold Cup in the National Heat
for the highest egg products from individual birds for the past year.
1951 September 22nd
Surrey Advertiser
- Dr. Ivor Philip Quenton Scott, only son of Mrs Isobel Scott of Streatham
married Miss Deidrey Felicite Matilda Hobbs, younger daughter of Major
and Mrs William E A Hobbs , Springfield, Station Road, Normandy at St Mark's
Wyke on Saturday.
(Long report)
1951 October 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Dump case adjourned
Summons, against Mr Richard James, haulage contractor of Westwood Lane
Normandy, adjourned from July 19th for using land at Normandy in contravention
of an enforcement notice for a dumping ground for cars, vehicles, chattels
and for failing to comply with the enforcement notice, were down for hearing
at Farnham magistrates court on Thursday. Mr H R Norris, Solicitor for
Guildford Rural District Council said James applied to the Town Planning
Authority for permission to develop the property in a certain way. There
had been a refusal by the authority but the time in which he could appeal
had not expired and if he did appeal it was difficult to know how long
a period would elapse before the decision of the Ministry would be made
known. In these circumstances Mr Norris asked for the case to be adjourned
"sin die" and the Court agreed.
1951 October 20th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Died after collapse at work
Mr George Saunders of Forsythia, Station Road, Normandy, died on Wednesday
in Farnham County Hospital. He had collapsed at work at the Royal Aircraft
Establishment, Farnborough on Tuesday. Mr Saunders, who was 51 had been
Standard Bearer for Normandy British Legion for some years. He leaves
a widow and three children. The funeral will be at Normandy parish church
1951 October 27th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- A cloak for the Vicar
The vicar of Normandy, the Reverend A L Jones, was presented on Monday
with a p cloak by Mrs Steele on behalf of the parishioners, for the use
of himself and future clergy connected with St Mark's Church. The presentation
took place at an open meeting in the church room. A small balance of money
subscribed by parishioners remain, and for which it has been decided to
buy overshoes if sufficient funds are forthcoming. The meeting then discussed
arrangements for the church fair, which is being held on December 8th in
Normandy church.
1951 November 17th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Normandy Contractor's Appeal by Mr B L Pickford - (Report)
- Footpaths
Council support path to station platform from Westwood Lane alongside railway
to Wanborough Station
1951 December 8th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- New cricket pavilion - Annual meeting - (Report)
1951 December 15th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- The "Duke of Normandy" lost a darts match 8 - 3 to "The
Dolphin", Guildford. The Duke of Normandy tontine club shared out
£610 to 78 members on Tuesday. The Duke of Normandy slate club
shared out £57.8s.0d to 42 members.
1952 January 11th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Obituary
Mr Trevor Hughes-Jones of London died at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Harwood of Wyke Cottage, Guildford Road, Normandy last Wednesday, age 59
years. Mr Hughes-Jones had resided at Normandy for two months. Cremation
was at Woking on Wednesday.
- Methodist church
Arrangements have been completed for the resumption of Sunday morning and
evening services in Normandy Methodist Church. The preacher at the first
service next Sunday will be the Reverend H Vavasor Griffiths MC of Guildford.
1952 January 25th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Mobile Film Unit
From next Monday the mobile film unit will give two shows in the Normandy
Village Hall each evening. Children will only be admitted to the first
house starting at 5.30pm.
- Old name resumed
Meeting in the Scout Hut on Wednesday night, Normandy Dancing Club members
decided to change the name and status to that of the Normandy Old Time
Dancing club. They were known originally by the latter, but in response
to appeals from the youth of the village, agreed to introduce modern dancing
into its programme, and to change its name accordingly. The expected support
form the youth was not forthcoming, and the club lost several of its 'former'
members by the change. Hence the reversion to the old title.
1952 February 1st
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Reward for Fortitude
At the meeting of Normandy Girl Guides in the Church Rooms on Friday, the
District Commissioner, Mrs Wadeson, presented the badge of Fortitude to
Miss Pat Bowers of Harpers Road, Ash. Miss Bowers had been suffering from
acute paralysis for several years, and had been in a plaster cast. The
badge is awarded to guides who, under exceptional circumstances, carry
out the 8th Guide law - 'A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties'.
Guests of the evening were Mrs Bevis of the local Girl Guides Association,
and Miss Tapply, (Brown Owl).
1952 February 8th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
Special Service
- A special service in remembrance of the passing of The King will be
held at Wyke Church, Normandy at 11.00am on Sunday morning.
Tractor driver fined
The sequel to a fatal accident at Elm Hill, Normandy on November 28th,
when a motorcycle collided with an agricultural tractor was heard at the
Magistrates Court in Farnham on Monday, when the tractor driver, Alan Robertson
Bennett (40) of West Wyke Cottage, Wyke Lane, Ash was fined 30/- [30 shillings
= £1.50] for driving a tractor and trailer without the required lights
at 4.50pm. P.C.Stroud said defendant told him "at the time I had no
rear lights on my vehicle. I couldn't have had any lights on the tractor
because there are none fitted'. Lighting up time on the day was 4.27pm.
1952 February 15th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Memorial Service
Prayers for the Royal Family, and particularly the Queen Mother, were said
at Wyke Parish Church, Normandy on Sunday, when a huge congregation attended
a memorial service, conducted by the Vicar, the Reverend Leslie Jones.
Special music was played. Today, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10.00am,
and a memorial service will be held at 11.00am.
- Death of Mr Warner
A sides-man at Wyke Church, Mr George Warner, aged 55, of 'Weenestie',
Beech Lane, Normandy, died early yesterday morning. Mr Warner had lived
at Normandy for many years, and for 26 years had been employed in a civilian
capacity with the Royal Engineers. He was a member of the Normandy British
Legion, and leaves a wife and one daughter - Ruth.Women's Institute choir,
sang during the service, and representatives of the Normandy British Legion
were present.
1952 February 22nd
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Memorial service to the late King
A memorial service to the late King was held in Wyke Church on Sunday,
and was conducted by the Vicar, The Reverend Leslie Jones. The large congregation
included a group of members of the Normandy British Legion Branch, accompanied
by their chairman, Major Barnes, a detachment of the War Office Signals
Corps from Cobbetts Hill, with their Commanding Officer, Captain Dutton.
The organist was Miss E E Booty.
- Former Vicar's death
Vicar of Normandy for 26 years, until he retired in 1931, the Reverend
Francis Newland Pickford of Woodside, Normandy died in a nursing home at
Cranleigh on Friday, aged 88 years. After his retirement he lived at Seale
and Normandy. In 1894 he was vicar in charge of a large parish in Australia.
A memorial service will be held in Wyke Church on Sunday at 3.0pm.
- Funeral of Mr Warner
The funeral of Mr George Warner of 'Weenestie', Beech Lane, Normandy at
Wyke church was conducted by the Vicar, the Reverend Leslie Jones. Members
of the church choir, and the Women's Institute choir, sang during the service,
and representatives of the Normandy British Legion were present.
1952 February 29th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Memorial Service
A service in memory of the Reverend F.N.Pickford, Vicar of Normandy from
1905 to 1931, was held at Wyke Church on Sunday, conducted by the Reverend
Leslie Jones. Canon Cornell, a great friend of the late Vicar read the
lesson and gave a short address, and two of Mr Pickford's favourite hymns
were sung by the congregation.
- Temporary Caravan Site
It was reported to Guildford Rural Council yesterday that the Ministry
of Housing and Local Government had granted a request by Mr E. G. Gillingham
for permission to place his caravan on a site in Westwood Lane subject
to its removal by July 31st 1953
1952 March 7th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Death of Mr Smith
Mr Sidney Thomas Smith of Bushetts, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, died suddenly
last Thursday night at his home, aged 67 years. He was a gardener, and
leaves his wife, one son and a daughter. The funeral at Wyke Church on
Wednesday was conducted by the Reverend Leslie Jones.
1952 March 28th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Obituary
A resident of Normandy for seventeen years, Mrs Janet Hart of 'Claymore',
Flexford Road, died at her home on Saturday aged 82. Mrs Hart came to Normandy
from Colwyn Bay, and her husband predeceased her by seventeen years. The
funeral was at Chiswick New Crematorium yesterday.
- Burial
The Reverend C F Hardy who had occasionally lived at Normandy was buried
at Wyke Cemetery on Friday after a funeral service at Chelsea. Mr Hardy
was related to Mr Hose, one of the church wardens and was the father of
Betty Hardy, a BBC actress.
- Labour supports extension - Aldershot Extension Bill
- Wyke Avenue residents complain
Complaints were received from members, living in the Wyke Avenue district,
about the unsatisfactory way in which the Elson buckets are emptied by
the local council employees, and also about the deplorable condition of
the roadway at Wyke Avenue, and the footpath between Wyke Avenue and Harpers
Road. It was unanimously decided that the secretary should write to the
Rural District calling attention to these matters and asking the Council
to remedy the state of affairs.
1952 April 4th
Aldershot News
- Normandy protest against houses on playing field.
- Speeding through village including army lorries.
- Golden wedding
- Saturday was a special day in the lives of Mr and Mrs Jenkins of 26
Walden Cottages, Normandy who celebrated their golden wedding with a party
at their home, given by their son and his wife for Mr Henry Edward Jenkins,
74 and his wife 71. They were married at St Mary's Church, Worplesdon and
have spent their lives in London and Normandy and have now settled in their
cosy Council flat.
[Report continues]
1952 April 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Golden Wedding - thanksgiving at Congregational Church
[Report - no names in transcribed notes.]
- Bus passed 48mph car Council told.
Complaints about the speed of traffic through Normandy were made at the
annual parish meeting on Friday last week. Major Barnes wrote stating that
the speed of vehicles on the Pirbright Road was a danger to school children.
Major R F Tolley said drivers of sand and ballast lorries who were paid
by the load delivered speeded up in order to register as many loads as
Remarking that local buses were just as bad, Mr A F Steel said on one occasion
a bus drew away from his car although it was registering 48mph.
The Chairman (Mr A A Cook) said he thought keeping to schedule was the
cause of much excessive speed on the part of lorries and buses.
1952 April 19th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Miss M R Carre
Cook to Lady Henriques at Normandy Park for the last ten years Mrs Minnie
Rose Carre died on Tuesday. She was the widow of a French musician. The
funeral was at St Marks Church, Wyke yesterday. The housekeeper, Mrs L
Watkins was among those present.
[Note Miss and Mrs as different titles for M R
Carre are as printed in paper.]
1952 April 26th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Proposed houses on Westwood Lane playground site
Guildford Rural Council are to go ahead with their proposal to build four
houses on vacant land at Westwood Lane, Normandy, which is at present being
used as a children's playground. After considering a resolution from a
parish meeting that the Council be asked to provide an alternative playground,
they have replied that the provision of a playground is a matter primarily
for the Parish Council.
- Urgent need for sewerage system
The urgency of a proper sewerage system in the Ash and Normandy district
is stressed by the Normandy Labour Party in a letter from the Secretary
to the 'Surrey Advertiser'.
1952 May 9th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Obituary
Death of Mrs Elizabeth James of 2 Stoke Villas, Glaziers Lane, Normandy.
- Normandy car park proposal presented to council
1952 May 10th
- Surrey Advertiser
- Wyke & Normandy
- Dedications at St Mark's Wyke
- The Venerable A B Ritchie (Archdeacon of Surrey) will dedicate St Marks
Church electric light installation, the electric organ blowing apparatus,
and Normandy Mothers Union first banner tomorrow. The dedication will take
place in the church during matins, and the sermon will be presented by
the Archdeacon. It was originally to have been held on 10 February.
1952 May 16th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Obituary
Death of Col. Harwood of Fernhill, Normandy
- St Mark's Church, Wyke
New electric organ blower and electric lighting system dedicated at Wyke
1952 May 17th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Death of Col. A. l. Harwood
- A well known and popular local figure, Col. Leonard Austen Harwood
of Fernhill, Normandy died on Tuesday. A retired dental surgeon of 90 Sloane
Street, he lived in Normandy since 1933. Until about three years ago, when
he retired, he visited Normandy for weekends only.
- He was president of Normandy British Legion, vice-president of Normandy
Cricket Club, and a member of the Parochial Church Council.
- He served in both world wars, and spent most of the last one in West
Africa and Egypt. Aged 65, he leaves a widow and three children.
- The Reverend L. Jones (vicar) conducted the funeral at St Marks Church,
Wyke yesterday.
1952 May 24th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Electricity Cut
Storms which affected high voltage switch gear at Farnborough caused the
electric supply at Normandy to be cut for two hours on Monday evening.
The surrounding area was also affected, although the duration of the cut
was less.
- 1952 May 31st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Complaints of riding on path.
Complaints made by cottagers living on the route of a footpath which leads
from the Village Hall, and across the common to Henley Park, of use of
the path by cyclists and riders of houses, were again considered by the
Parish Council on Monday.
- The District Council, who had been consulted, suggested that the Parish
Council should apply for a bye law prohibiting this use.
- The Council decided to take no action at the moment, in the hope that
reference to the matter in the press would have the desired effect, and
that one of the many alternative routes over the common would be taken
by cyclists and riders of horses.
1952 June 6th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Fire
The roof of an outhouse garage, and a car in it were slightly damaged in
a small fire at the Red Leys Kindergarten School in Glaziers Lane a few
minutes after midnight on Sunday. The fire was soon extinguished, and a
little damage was done. None of the dozen or so pupils sleeping at the
school was disturbed.
1952 June 7th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Badminton Club formed
- A Badminton Club is to be formed in Normandy; it was decided at a meeting
on Friday last week. Members will play in the Village Hall, starting in
the autumn. Miss B J Rees, 22 Cabell Road, Park Barn Estate, Guildford
is Secretary. Members will be welcome.
- Woman of 84 hurt in collision
- Mrs Mary Turner, aged 84, Meadow View, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, was
involved in a collision with a post office maintenance van at Normandy
cross roads last week. She was taken to the Royal Surrey County Hospital
with head injuries, and was allowed home on Wednesday.
1952 June 13th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Garden Party
A garden party, organised by the committee of the Wyke and Normandy Mothers
union, was attended by 60 members and their children, and was held last
Thursday in the grounds of the Vicarage. Games were organised, and tea
was provided by the tea committee, followed by ice cream. The committee
acted under the chairmanship of Mrs Leslie Jones.
- Animal Day
The recent collection of Animal Day at Wyke and Normandy amounted to £8.8s.0d.
1952 June 26th
Aldershot News
Normandy news
- Normandy Village Hall
At their recent meeting, Normandy Village Hall Management Committee was
informed that £5 had been donated to the Village Hall rebuilding
fund following recent performances by Normandy Amateur Dramatic Club. Regret
was expressed at the very poor attendances. It was decided to hold the
annual meeting on the evening of Wednesday July 16, and it is hoped that
residents of Normandy will make an effort to attend.
1952 June 28th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Little boys fell from Tractor
Six year old Harry Gardiner of Westwood Farm Cottage, Westwood Lane, Normandy,
was playing on a tractor on Friday last week, when he slipped off and under
it. His pelvis was broken, and he was taken to the Royal Surrey County
- Marriage of Miss Doreen Evelyn Watson
Marriage of Miss Doreen Evelyn Watson of Tiberton, Glaziers Lane, Normandy
on Saturday to Derek Herbert Cocks of Clapham Common, at Wyke Church
1952 July 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Death of Mr Charles William Barnett
Death of Mr Charles William Barnet in a Brighton hospital on June 26th
- late sergeant Royal Engineers - formerly of Bramcombe, Flexford Road,
- Grazing land ruined
Flooding of land owned by Misses Deedman owing to a defective culvert.
1952 July 26th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Funeral of Mrs M A Marshall (87) of Stedmans Cottage, Normandy.
1952 August 9th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Normandy bridegroom at Camberley
Miss A Edna A Serviour of Queen Mary Avenue, Camberley to Mr William Edward
Cartwright of Elm Hill Bungalows, Normandy at St Mary's Church, Camberley
on Saturday.
1952 August 23rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy BadmintonClub
An inaugural meeting of the Normandy Badminton Club was held in the Village
Hall on Thursday and it was decided to start the season at the beginning
of October. Officers appointed were: Chairman - Mr E M Lank, Secretary
- Miss B Rees of 22 Cabell Road, Park Barn Estate, Guildford and Treasurer
- Miss B Milne.
1952 September 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- "Old Contemptibles" entertained
For the second year running, "Old Contemptibles", (Hounslow Branch)
was entertained at Normandy Village Hall.
1952 October 8th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Churchwarden of Wyke Church
Captain F E Craddock, a churchwarden of Wyke Church, is replacing some
more borders in the churchyard. He would be glad of any plants that members
of the congregation are turning out of their gardens.
1952 October 18th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
- Railway Approach Road
The condition of the railway approach road to Wanborough Railway Station
was referred to at the meeting of the Parish Council on Monday. The Chairman
(Mr Cook) said Mr Sewry of Flexford Close had informed him that he had
made representations to the District Council and the Divisional Surveyor
had replied that the maintenance of the approach road was the responsibility
of the British Railways Executive.
Mr Cook said he still thought the position was ambiguous because there
was a section of road, described as 'no mans land' which neither the District
Council nor British Railways would undertake repair.
It was decided to make further representations to the Divisional Surveyor
as to the condition of the road. 1952 October 25th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Squadron Leader Howard Morley Saville Green, only son of Mr and Mrs Gordon
Green of Orchard Dene, Normandy was married at the Queens' Chapel of the
Savoy on Saturday to Miss Elizabeth Anne Seabrook, only daughter of Mr
and Mrs John Seabrook of Auckland, New Zealand. The Reverend C L Cresswell
officiated. The reception was held at the Royal Air Force Club.
1952 October 25th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Friary League darts match
The Duke of Normandy beat the Star, Guildford by four games to two in a
Friary League darts match on Wednesday.
- St Mark's Church Wyke
At last week's meeting of Wyke Parochial Church Council it was decided
to hold a Christmas Fair, run on the same lines as last year.
The Parochial Church Council may have to find £250 for replacing
the war damaged west window.
1952 November 1st
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- Miss J M Goodchild's Wedding
Miss June May Goodchild, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A F Goodchild of Elmhirst,
Elm Hill and Mr Frank Herbert Ford, only son of the late Mr and Mrs Ford
of London.
[Long description]
- Henley Park Footpaths
It was reported to the Parish Council on Monday that notice had been received
of the proposed diversion of certain footpaths on the Henley Park Estate.
The Chairman (Mr Cook) said the proposed diversions were those agreed at
a meeting between the interested parties and seemed as reasonable a solution
as they could get. He thought it advisable that when the order had been
framed, they should make a request for a copy of the order.
1952 November 1st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Church of Holy Angels, Ash
Marriage of Frank Herbert Ford to June May Goodchild of 'Elmhirst', Elm
Hill, Normandy at Church of Holy Angels, Ash
- Coronation Celebrations
Coronation Executive Committee meeting to ask individual organisations
to raise money to finance local celebrations.
1952 November 15th
Surrey Times
Notice received by Normandy Parish Council of diversion of footpaths
on the Henley Park estate. Parish Council chairman Mr Cook said the
proposed diversions were those agreed at a meeting of the interested parties.
It seemed as reasonable a solution to the problem as they could get. [no additional details] 1952
November 27th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- £2000 damage in Barn Blaze
Dutch barn blaze at Henley Park Farm
- Profits of Vokes Group doubled.
Staff Pensions planned
- Why do they call it Christmas Pie?
1952 November 29th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- (Picture)
Major General R L Bond, District Commissioner, presenting Cub-masters warrants
to Mr Herbert Boxall and his wife, Mrs Joan Boxall at the First Normandy
Wolf Cub Pack on Monday. There are two other Boxalls in the pack - their
two boys - David (10) and Roy (9).
- All night barn fire at Henley Park Farm
Dutch barn on Friday 21 November
[Report] 1952 December
Surrey Times and County Press
- Wyke's own Coronation Celebrations
1952 December 6th
Surrey Advertiser
How Christmas Pie got its name (letter)
1952 December 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Christmas Pie (letter) 1952
December 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- New Cricket Pavilion is asset to Normandy Cricket Club.
- Coronation Day Fete proposal by Normandy Coronation Committee
1952 December 20th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Tree demolishes church hall at Normandy
Caught by wind while being felled.
[Report and picture]
1952 December 27th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Open scholarship
R O Baldrey of the Royal Grammar School, Guildford has been awarded an
open scholarship in modern languages at Trinity College, Oxford. He lives
at Whipley Farm, Normandy.
1953 January 31st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
- Church Hall
Wyke and Normandy Scout Group turned out in full force on Saturday to help
clear up the debris in the churchyard left by the wreck of the Church Hall.
Starting soon after 2.00pm they worked until it was too dark to see. Work
will be continued this afternoon.
- Wyke and Normandy Mothers Union
Arrangements were made at a committee meeting of Wyke and Normandy Mothers
Union to hold their monthly meetings in the billiards room of the village
hall. Formerly meetings were held in the now wrecked Church Hall
1953 July 4th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy
St Marks Sunday School outing to Bognor
[No details of report.]
1953 July 18th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy
Death of Mrs Pauline Charlotte Louise Latimer, Red Pines, Hunts Hill
[No details of report.]
1953 July 24th
Aldershot News
Normandy Village Hall may 'live on its capital'. 1953
July 25th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy
Marriage of John Watling Pettett of Guildford to Miss Cynthia Lilian Iris
Oliver of 2 Walden Cottages
Marriage at Church of Holy Angels - Mr Peter Foley of Farnborough to Miss
Elizabeth Merrett of Corbie Cottage, Normandy
First time for years - sports at ground at school
Green frontal altar presented by Mrs E E Craddock, wife of churchwarden
Death of Mrs Marjorie Mary Sainsbury (37) of Meadow Cottage, Normandy
[No details of reports.]
1953 August 29th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy
Horse Show prizes
[No details of report.]
1954 January 15th
Farnham Herald
- Ash
- Youth Committee dissolved
The youth committees for Ash and Normandy have now been dissolved, and
from the beginning of the year, incorporated in the Farnham Youth committee,
with headquarters at Vernon House, Farnham.
1954 February 6th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The new church hall at Normandy which replaces the one crushed by a falling
oak tree during felling operations in the churchyard once a year ago, was
used by the mothers' Union for their meeting on Thursday afternoon. Mrs
Myners was the speech [sic] and refreshments were served by the Committee. 1954
February 27th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
- Normandy
Guildford Rural District Council is to raise no objection to the removal
of 5,000 Scots pines aged 26 years from Longerend, Normandy, upon the application
of Mr E R Moodie. The removal is the thinning of 22½ acres.
1954 February 27th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
'It is a blot on our district that we have thousands of houses not on main
drainage' said a member when Guildford Rural Council learned on Thursday
that the first stage of the Normandy, Worplesdon and Pirbright sewage scheme
was scheduled for completion this year. He was told that work on the Normandy
and Worplesdon sections will go forward with all speed.
1954 March 13th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
St Mark's Church
Dr C T Chapman, Guildford Diocesan Organiser for Adult Education, is taking
part in a series of Lenten study groups, which will commence on Monday
in the Church Room, Normandy at 8.0pm. Last months' monthly branch meeting
of Normandy Mothers' Union took the form of a service in the Parish Church
with the address by the Vicar, the Rev. A Leslie Jones. After the service,
tea was served in the Church room by members of the Committee.
Labour Party elections
Officers elected at Normandy Labour Party annual meeting in the Village
Hall, Normandy last week were: Chairman - Mr Rigby: Vice-chairman Mr R
Atkins: Secretary Mrs S Rowden: Treasurer Mr W Owen: Executive Committee
Mesdames Green, Weston and Messrs Chitty, Dyson, Foster, Hammond, Instone
and Prior.
1954 March 20th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- School bus wanted - Parish Council to intercede.
- Normandy Parish Council votes for street lighting.
April 10th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy weddings
Miss Jean Nancy Rose Crooke (2 Eva Cottages, Elm Hill) to Mr Alec J Burbidge,
14 Shawfields Road, Ash
Miss Eva Maud Rice (18 Wealden Cottages) to Mr Dennis Lumb of Barnsley 1954
April 17th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- Sudden death
Mr Robert Wilkinson of Meadow Cottages, Flexford Lane, Normandy lived alone,
and as he had not been seen about by his neighbours, they informed the
police. When the police broke into his home they found Mr Wilkinson dead.
It was decided that no inquest was necessary as death was due to natural
- Difficult year surmounted
Wyke Church's new room
[Report] 1954 April
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy riding club's Easter show
1954 May
Several publications
All-England contest bungalow at Normandy; Mr and Mrs Jack Bryant
won bungalow in Culls Road. 1954 May 1st
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
Passenger accosted in train
Was Patricia Ada Frost of Fairlawns, Westwood Lane, Normandy
[Front page - long report]
- Driving offence
For driving against the one way traffic stream in Chertsey Road, Woking
on Monday 15 April Vernon Willoughby Dylan Michael Pigott of Lynn's Cafe,
Normandy was fined £1 at Woking on Saturday. Mr P Garrett (defending)
said Pigott's attention was directed to pedestrians on the road and he
missed the 'No Entry' signs.
1954 May 1st
- Surrey Advertiser
- Wyke and Normandy
- Sailor assaulted woman passenger on train between Guildford and Wanborough
- Mrs Patricia Frost - 'Fairlawn', Westwood Lane, Normandy,. Porter at
Wanborough Station was Mr F. A. Brill.
1954 May 8th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
May Queen crowned at Normandy. (Picture - Feo
- 1954 May 8th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
New appointment for Rev A L Jones
It was announced in Normandy Parish Church on Sunday that the Vicar of
Wyke and Normandy, the Rev. A. Leslie Jones has been offered, and has accepted
a living in the Diocese of Salisbury, coupling two parishes, to be held
in plurality, the Rectory of Tockenham, and the Vicarage of Clyffe Pypard.
Mr Jones will live at Clyffe Pypard. The date of his taking over his new
duties has not yet been fixed.
1954 May 29th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Division of Ash and Normandy discussed
Move to create separate wards.
[Long report]
1954 May 29th
Surrey Advertiser
Normandy may have its own Council
- [Report]
1954 June 12th
Surrey Times and County Press
- A man of two Normandy's
Sgt 'Gerald' Unwin revisits D-Day scare [?]
[Long feature] 1954
June 19th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Independence of Normandy
Parish Meeting may be held in September to consider separation.
[Long report]
1954 June 19th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy British Legion at a Committee meeting last week in the Legion
Hall decided to restart Monday evening Whist Drives. The first will be
held in the Legion Hall on June 28th, when the Legion will welcome whist
- Meeting on division of Parish Council
- [Report]
June 26th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
Irish woman robbed the meters
Harriet McLean (21) in caravan at The Homestead 1954 July
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
Division of wards goes a stage further. 1954 July 17th
Surrey Advertiser
MP to see Ministry about bus service, Ash announcement.
It was announced at a meeting of Ash and Normandy Parish Council on Monday,
that Mr Harold Wilkinson MP is taking up with the Ministry of Transport
the question of a bus service for children living in Normandy and Wanborough
areas and attending Ash Wyke Primary School.
- Normandy
Only one member voted against move for separate parish councils.
A resolution in favour of separate parish councils being formed for Ash
and Normandy, and asking Surrey County Council to consider the case for
division, as proposed by Mr A A Cook, chairman, was carried at a meeting
of Ash and Normandy Parish Council on Monday.
It was decided that a copy of the resolution should be sent to Guildford
Rural Council, with a request for their support.
The chairman said he had been advised that the County Council would consider
the Council's case, and if they were satisfied, a prima face case had been
made out, would then hold a public enquiry to ascertain the feeling of
the community. Major Tolly said he would be prepared to support division
if he had evidence that Normandy required it. The Chairman said it was
also a question of whether Ash wanted it. He thought a public enquiry conducted
in a manner directed by the County Council would be the time for the people
of the parish as a whole to decide.
The resolution was moved by Mr C P Withers, (vice chairman) and seconded
by Miss Booty. 1954 July 24th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
Village Hall position - rebuilding of frontage. 1954 July
Farnham Herald
- Farnham's Rector leaving
Going to Wyke in October.
[Picture and long report] 1954
July 30th
Aldershot News
New Normandy Vicar from Farnham.
The new vicar of St Marks, Wyke has been appointed in the place of the
Reverend A Leslie Jones, who has now taken up his living as Vicar of Clyffe
Pypard and Rector of Tockenham. He is the Reverend George Noel Selby Lowndes
as Canon of Guildford and Rector and Rural Dean of Farnham, who is hoping
to take up his new appointment sometime in October. The Reverend Selby
Lowndes studied at Queens College, Cambridge, gaining a BA in 1908. He
became Chaplain to the forces in 1919, having become Deacon in 1909 and
priest in 1911 at St Albans. From then until 1914 he served as curate at
St Giles, Colchester and at St Matthew, Thorpe Hamlet from 1914 to 1915.
In 1915 he joined the RANC and subsequently became a TA Chaplain. After
the war in 1919 he became Curate of St Margarets, Lowestoft, serving there
until 1924. After leaving Lowestoft he became Vicar of Bramley and then
in 1923 vicar of Grafham, where he remained until 1944.
The Reverend Selby Lowndes became Rector and Rural Dean of Farnham in 1944.
- Rural Council support for division of Ash Parish. (Long
1954 July 31st
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
Guildford Rural District Council agreed on Thursday to support Ash and
Normandy in their request for the division of the two parishes to provide
separate Parish Councils. They are to notify Surrey County Council of their
- Presentation to retiring head
Mr H A Smith
- Wedding
Miss Gwendoline Sowman, only daughter of Mr and Mrs F Sowman, 2 Fairview,
Guildford Road, Normandy to Mr Frederick Bayliss, eldest son of Mr and
Mrs W Bayliss, Chapel Farm, Guildford Road, Normandy at Worplesdon Parish
Church on Saturday. 1954 July 31st
Surrey Advertiser
- Cookes coach crash at Sticklepath near Okehampton - Driver Harold
Greenwood of Normandy.
1954 August 6th
Aldershot News
Normandy scouts camped in Austria. (Report)
- Normandy News
A three roomed caravan parked in the orchard of Woodlands, Pirbright Road,
Normandy was saved from being gutted by fire early on Saturday morning
by the efforts of Mr R Jopp, who lives in the caravan with his wife, and
Mrs Fletcher, the housekeeper of Woodlands, the home of Mr J P Johnson.
Mrs Fletcher was busy in the house when Mr Jopp came running, shouting
that the caravan was on fire. After phoning for the fire brigade said Mrs
Fletcher 'I collected a saucepan, then rushed down to the caravan where
Mr Jopp and myself ladled water from water butts in the orchard on to the
burning roof. Mrs Jopp, who had been unwell, had been taken from the burning
caravan. Mrs Jopp and Mrs Fletcher set about removing the caravans' effects.
'We saved everything' said Mrs Fletcher, and by the time the fire brigade,
which was very quick, had come we had subdued the flames'.
The fire is believed to have started through smoke from the chimney landing
on the painted roof, and then smouldered. The caravan was not irreparably
burnt, but will need a new roof.
A water tender form Aldershot, and a water tender and lorry from Guildford
went to the scene. 1954 August 13th
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Cubs in camp.
Ten boys of the 1st Normandy Wolf Cubs pack returned on Friday from camp
at Tilford. For four it was their first camp. A church parade was held
on the Sunday at Tilford, followed by a visitor's day on Bank Holiday.
On the Tuesday the cubs visited Hindhead and hiked back to camp with tracking,
and a wide game on the way. Thursday's activities included making lairs
with the cubs dressed as Indians. Rain presented an all day visit to Farnham
on Friday, but the cubs were able to buy presents.
1954 August 28th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
School Bus from Christmas Pie / Wyke Refused by 'Aldershot & District
[No details of report.]
1954 September 3rd
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Pending the induction of the new Vicar of Wyke, the Reverend George Noel
Selby Lowndes, the Rector of Puttenham, the Reverend A P A Gaze is to take
the morning services at Wyke Church on Sunday. Mr A A Cook, chairman of
the Parish Council will officiate in the evening.
- The choir of Wyke Church has resumed its mid week meetings after the
August recess and these are now held again at 7:30pm at the church.
- Painters wanted.
Most people like wielding a paintbrush, and at Normandy there is now a
chance for them to throw off the chains of convention, and give full vent
to this delight. Mr A A Cook has made an appeal in the village for help
in painting the newly built Church Room, and he is calling a meeting at
the Church Room tomorrow at 2:30pm to receive offers of services or of
materials for the job. 1954 September 4th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy [Front page]
- Southampton - Normandy - London
Forced landing - BEA - Two helicopters - Thursday evening, 2 September
onto cricket ground.
[Long report]
- Duke of Normandy
Death of Mrs Clara Purdue, Duke of Normandy on Sunday 30 August 1954
September 10th
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Weather brightened up for Normandy Horse Show. (Report)
1954 September 17th
Farnham Herald
- Parish matters at Ash
- Rural Council's support
Guildford Rural Council have decided to support the parish councils' application
for the division of the Ash and Normandy parishes, the council learned
in a letter from the clerk to the Rural District Council. It was stated
that the clerk of the County council had been informed of the Rural Council's
decision in the matter. 1954 September 18th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- Sign out of character
Surrey Town and Country Planning Committee on Wednesday refused an application
by Mr T James for permission to display on the north side of the Aldershot
- Guildford Road at Normandy an oval shaped sign lit by reflecting lights.
They said the proposed display would be out of keeping with the rural characteristics
of the area.
- Premature application
A second application to have a ten year disqualification from driving was
made by Mr James Roberts of Chapel Farm, Normandy before Guildford Borough
Magistrates on Monday.
The Clerk to the Court (Mr R H Percy) said that the applicant had applied
for the disqualification to be removed on May 31st, 1954 and was refused,
and this was the first occasion in law that he could make a fresh application
after three months.
The magistrates refused the application. The Chairman (Alderman A Williams)
said the Court thought that the application, considering the disqualification,
was for ten years and was premature.
Supt. Russell said Rogers had been fined £50 and disqualified for
ten years on May 4th 1953 for being under the influence of drink while
in charge of a car. He had a previous conviction for a similar offence
on October 12th 1950 at the same Court, when he had been fined £25
and disqualified for one year. 1954 September 24th
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Waited too long.
' I was busy with farming and market gardening business, and am afraid
I lost count of time' Frances John Hartley, North Wyke Farm, Normandy,
told a constable who pointed out that his car had been parked in Victoria
Road from noon until 1:25pm, instead of for the regulation 20 minutes.
He was fined 10/- for the offence at Aldershot Magistrates Court on Monday.
- Dance for Hall and funds
A modern dance will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday night to raise
money for the hall rebuilding fund. The MC will be Mr A Covey.
1954 October 2nd
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy
- To aid rebuilding Fund
A dance at the Village Hall, Normandy on Saturday was in aid of the rebuilding
fund. Mr Arthur Govey was MC. There was a fair attendance and a small profit
was made.
- Tree across the road.
During the high wind on Saturday, a weeping willow tree was blown down
across the main road in Normandy, near the Duke of Normandy public house.
The fallen tree was pulled to the side of the road, and for about an hour
only one way traffic was possible. The fell tree [SIC] to the one which
came down has since been cut down. 1954 October 8th
Farnham Herald
Though close to Town you'll find it far from the madding crowd.
Wanborough Manor Country Club (under new management).
Wanborough near Guildford. Tel Puttenham 351.
Lunches, Teas, Dinners, Swimming pool, Tennis Court, Fishing, Dancing every
Fully licensed and residential. Membership 21/- per year. 1954
October 8th
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Girl, 18 months, competed in Normandy Horse Show (Patricia Johnson). (Report of Winners).
- Congregational Church harvest festival.
October 15th
Aldershot News
Normandy News
Mr Richard John Beer, East View, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, died at is home
on Saturday. Mr Beer worked at the Manor Fruit Farm for 24 years until
his retirement four years ago. He was 69. Before coming to live in Normandy
he served 21 years in the RASC and during the First World War he was mentioned
in despatches. Mr Beer was a member of the British Legion, and was very
interested in the cricket club. He leaves in bereavement his widow, two
sons and a daughter. Cremation was at Woking on Wednesday. 1954
October 16th
Surrey Times and County Press
- Normandy [Front
- First day on motorcycle
Knocked out after bus collision at Willey Green.
- Public Right of Way - Pound Farm
- Death of Mr Richard John Beer of Eastview, Glaziers Lane at
the age of 69.
- Normandy Playing Field
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