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Normandy in the Press
Normandy in the Press
1938 to 1939
“Normandy in the Press” presents a past view and happenings of the village as seen from selected reports and articles in the local papers. The reader should note that until 1955 Normandy was predominantly part of Ash, Willey Green was part of Worplesdon and a small part of Flexford was in Wanborough.
The researched material held at County Libraries and Record Offices was hand-copied over a number of years by society member Peter Trevaskis. Those notes have been subsequently transcribed by members: Alan Norris, Eira and James Nursaw; Emma Rafferty; Peter Blakiston and Stephen Cranstone.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure correctness in the copying and transcribing, readers are advised to refer to the original newspaper source for the full account.
Normandy in the Press Index

1938 January 7th
Aldershot News
Normandy Unionists
New Years Eve dance -

1938 January 8th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
'Bernay', Westwood Lane, Normandy is to be demolished, and the tenant has accepted other accommodation from the Guildford Rural Council.
A complaint concerning the nuisance caused by a caravan settlement in the vicinity of Wanborough Station is being investigated by the medical officer to the Guildford Rural Council.
New Years' Carnival Dance - [Report] - [Plenty of names]
Farmers' neglect - At Farnham Petty Sessions on Thursday Jesse Gilbert, dairy farmer of 'Hazeldene', Westwood Lane, Normandy was summoned for permitting eight calves to be moved from his premises, and not keeping the required record of movement on 30 November. Defendant admitted selling the calves to a Mr R Southwell, and that there was no record of the movement. He was fined 20/-
Richard Southwell of 'Fairfield', Westwood Lane, Normandy was fined 20/- for not keeping a record of the movement of the cattle he bought from Gilbert.
1938 January 14th
Aldershot News
Normandy Farmers fine
Cattle movement not recorded - James Gilbert, Hazeldene, Westwood lane - (Report)

1938 January 15th
Farnham Herald
Tithe Map (from Council meeting on Monday 10 January 1938)
Mr Jenkinson, who moved that the Parish Council as legal custodians of the maps applicable to the parish, take the necessary steps to obtain the one that was now in private hands. The one in question was that of the tithing of Wyke. - Agreed.
1938 January 22nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Boy cyclist in accident - A fifteen year old cyclist, Henry Smith of 'The Homestead', Normandy was taken to the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford and detained suffering from shock after being involved in a collision with a pedestrian, Mr Charles Annis in Station Road, Normandy on Tuesday evening. It was raining and windy at the time, and the cyclist was thrown from his machine. The pedestrian was uninjured.
1938 January 29th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Letter - Normandy Horticultural Society - comments from S N Jenkinson
Death of Mr William John Hibberd, Normandy Park Nursery on Wednesday - [Report]
Lorry on fire - prompt work with extinguishers - The Aldershot Fire Brigade were called to Normandy late on Tuesday evening when a lorry owned by Mr R J James of the Westwood Stores, Normandy caught fire in its garage in Westwood Lane.
Mr James had been repairing the lorry, and when he returned to it after ten minutes absence, he found it on fire. The fire brigade were called, but in the meantime the outbreak was confined to the lorry by fire extinguishers handled by Mr James and his brother Mr T James.
The cabin and the forepart of the lorry were burnt, but the garage was not involved.
School girls' accident.
While walking to school with other children on Tuesday morning, Iris Watson, a ten year old schoolgirl of Station Road, Normandy was knocked down by a motor lorry in Guildford Road, and suffered shock and abrasions. The lorry was driven by Lous Arpino of Chertsey. After being attended by a doctor, the girl was conveyed home.
1938 January 29th
Farnham Herald
Proposed Central School - new Senior School (Ash Walsh)
Letter of protest from Normandy representatives - Messrs S N Jenkinson, A P Bevan, and
A W Milton.
1938 February 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Ash - Death of Mrs Alice Mary Lickfold (63) - school teacher at Normandy - [Report]
1938 February 12th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Local Conservative Progress - Report of meeting of Normandy Branch of conservative and Unionist Association at Parish Room, Wyke on Friday
Death of Mr Walter Marshall of Cannonslea, Flexford Road, Normandy on Tuesday.
Death of Mr Ernest Roberts, 5 Pirbright Road, Normandy on Tuesday. He was 68 and coachman to the late George Coussmaker.
1938 February 19th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy bridegroom at Guildford - Mr Jesse Gilbert, dairy farmer of Normandy to Miss Minnie Selfe of Church Road, Guildford.
1938 February 26th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The explanation that the sign could not be seen at night was offered by Mrs Beryl Randall Richmond of Wyke Lodge, Normandy when summoned at Guildford Borough Police Court on Monday for neglecting to observe a 'Halt' sign in Guildford Park Road. She was fined five shillings.
1938 March 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The new clubroom of the Normandy branch of the British Legion will shortly be erected on the site acquired last year near the Normandy Cross Roads.
Annual meeting of Normandy Village Hall Tennis Club - [Report]
1938 March 12th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Cricket Club annual meeting - [Report]
1938 March 16th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Rather disquieting' position - [Report]
1938 March 19th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Dogs' premonition? - At Farnham Police Court on Thursday, Margaret Steppat, Pilgrims Latch, Normandy was ordered to keep a dog, alleged to be dangerous under proper control and pay 12/6d costs. Evidence was given by Mrs Laycock of Sunnycroft, Normandy that the dog bit and bruised her arm while she was walking through Henley Park, carrying her own dog and by P C Harwood that it attacked him when he went to serve the summons on Mrs Steppat.
1938 April 2nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Charged on warrant with disobedience of a wife maintenance order arrears amounting to £22.5s.6d, Arthur Harry Strange, gardener of Henley Park Gardens, Normandy appeared at an occasional Court before Mr O H Brown at the Guildford Borough Police Station on Tuesday. He was remanded until Monday, bail being allowed subject to him continuing work in the meantime.
1938 April 8th
Aldershot News
Normandy Notes - Road Accident
While crossing the road near her house at Elm Hill, Normandy on Friday, a nine year old child Florence Agatha Lambert was knocked down by a motorcycle and sustained serious injuries. It appears that the child came from behind a stationary vehicle. The child was removed to Guildford Hospital.

1938 April 9th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The possibility of the houses at Hunts Hill, Normandy being included in the north-west area sewerage scheme is being investigated by the Guildford Rural Council.
The Guildford Rural Council is not objecting to the erection of overhead low tension electricity lines at Flexford Close and at Normandy Common fronting the Manor House.
It was reported to the Guildford Rural council on Thursday that tenders were being obtained for the erection of six houses in Westwood Lane, Normandy. The land on the housing site not immediately needed is to be let to Mr Cooper of Westwood Farm.
Mother sees child injured - A mother who was cycling home on Friday last week saw her nine year old daughter running to meet her become involved in a collision with a motorcycle combination. The child, Florence Annie Lambert of 1 Elm Hill, Normandy received serious head and jaw injuries, and after attention by Doctor R G Sterling, was taken by ambulance to the Royal Surrey County Hospital and detained. The driver of the motorcycle, Hector Macdonald Broadhead of Meadow Cottage, Flexford Road, Normandy was unhurt.
1938 April 23rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
A 'Rural Ride' broadcast - Normandy people 'on the air' - The voices of a number of Normandy people were heard 'over the air' in the Regional programme on Wednesday when Mr S P B Mais in 'A Rural Ride reviewed' conducted a re-exploration of the part of England associated with William Cobbett.
Listeners heard the proceedings in the Duke of Normandy Inn at Normandy, and among those who took part were the landlord, Mr A G Goodwin, Mr J Petrie, Normandy Park estate agent; the local commons keeper Mr J Yeomans; a Henley Park shepherd - Mr Dart; a keeper - Mr 'Nobby' Clarke and Mr Mullard a farm hand on the Henley Park estate. Miss P Goodwin, Mr Goodwin's daughter was heard at the piano and the musical box in the private bar of the Inn was heard several times.
William Cobbett, author of the famous 'Rural Rides', and son of a Farnham farmer and publican was born at the Jolly Farmer at Farnham. At one time he lived at Normandy at what was then known as Normandy Farm, and now as Normandy Manor House, the residence of Mr E S Hose.
Normandy Village Hall Committee to receive £30.3s.7d bequest from non-existent Normandy Horticultural Society - [Report]
1938 April 30th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Letter - Normandy Village Hall
Sir - I am somewhat surprised at the account of the meeting in the Normandy Village Hall on 19th April in as much that the result quoted is somewhat misleading. While it is true that only seven voted against the motion, it is equally true that the majority of those present failed to vote at all: thus it was a conflict between minorities. The explanation is simple - no coherent information was given as to the necessity or otherwise of the meeting - or for that matter as to the principles at stake. Strange to relate, the majority of people in Normandy, as elsewhere, do like to know what they are voting for - or against!
Yours etc.,
Annual General Meeting of the Wyke, Normandy and Wanborough Nursing Association held in Normandy Village Hall on Wednesday - [Report]
Possession order - Possession of a cottage and land occupied by Mr Herbert E Bridger, Railway Lane, Normandy was claimed at Guildford County Court on Thursday by Mr Joseph Folly of Ashford, Middlesex, who was represented by Mr C Wright, Solicitor. Mr Bridger said that he had not obeyed the notice to quit because he wanted to know what was to happen to £25 which he had paid as a deposit at a time when he hoped to buy the house. Mr Wright said that the £25 deposit almost exactly covered the mesne profits due. An order was made for possession in 42 days, and payment of costs.
1938 May 7th
Surrey Advertiser
Normandy Gymkhana - organised by Normandy branch of the National Conservative and Unionist Association at Westwood - [Report]
Cost of new Council Houses - It was decided at the meeting of the Guildford Rural Council on Thursday to accept the following tenders for the erection of six houses, and the construction of road works at Westwood Lane, Normandy.
Erection of six houses - R Butcher, 8 Worplesdon Road, Guildford - £2,362 - construction of road works - E Johnson, Longmoor Road, Liphook - £530.
A collision occurred at the cross roads near the Normandy village Hall on Sunday between a motor car driven by Mr George Mullins of Corbie Cottage, Station Road, Normandy and a motorcycle ridden by Mr Ernest Wort of 6 Wyke Avenue, Ash. Miss Frances Smith of Witley was on the pillion of the motorcycle and suffered severe bruises and abrasions. After being attended by Dr Sterling of Ash, she returned home. Both vehicles were damaged.
1938 May 28th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
112th Anniversary of Normandy Congregational Church - [Report]
1938 June 4th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy residents' ARP post.
Mr S N Jenkinson, chief air raid warden at Normandy has been appointed Air Raids Precaution Officer at Loughborough, Leicestershire. Captain Teasdale Turner, also a Normandy warden has been appointed ARP officer at Basingstoke. The Normandy wardens met on Wednesday, and Mr L S Johnson was appointed chief warden in Mr Jenkinsons' place.

1938 June 11th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Death of Mr Charles O Strologo - who gave 60 - 80 bus shelters to Surrey in connection of Silver Jubilee of King George V.
1938 June 18th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
As usual the time of the Aldershot Tattoo, the lower Guildford - Aldershot road passing through Normandy has been heavy with traffic. Here is an interesting record of the number of motor coaches that have passed through Normandy on this road on the way to the Tattoo last week - Wednesday - 113 : Thursday - 118 : Friday - 167 : Saturday - 395. This week - Tuesday - 154 - Wednesday - 215.
The death occurred in the Warren Road Hospital on Wednesday after illness of fortnights' duration of Mrs Ellen Mayne, who lived with her daughter, Mrs Avenell at Guildford Road, Normandy. Mrs Mayne was 80, and had resided in Normandy for twenty years. The funeral is at Wyke Church today (Saturday).
1938 July 9th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
A grass snake 2' 7" long was discovered in an outhouse at the Duke of Normandy on Monday.
Members of the Duke of Normandy Darts Club which has completed a very successful season enjoyed an outing to Southsea on Sunday. A party of 30 made the journey by motorcoach. Mr and Mrs A G Godwin and the club committee, with the assistance of Mr C Gains (Honorary Secretary) Mr R Hannes (Captain) was responsible for the arrangements.
Water is to be laid on to twenty cottages at Dolleys Hill, Normandy.
At Guildford Borough Police Court on Monday, Arthur Slaughter of Ashfield Lodge Farm, Normandy was fined 5/- (5 shillings) for allowing a horse to stray at Worplesdon Road, Guildford on May 5th.
1938 July 9th
Farnham Herald
Proposed erection of 60 houses.
The Surveyor reported at Thursday's meeting (7 July 1938) of Guildford Rural District Council that the Mid Wessex Water co. Had agreed to extend their water mains to supply the new housing estate at Westwood Lane, Normandy and the new housing estate at College Road, Ash where it was proposed to erect 6 houses and 60 houses respectively, subject to a guarantee of £8 1s 6d per annum at Westwood Lane, and £24. 7s 1d at College Road (continues)
1938 July 13 & 16th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Tennis Clubs' Finances
Chairman's speech at Annual Meeting
(Long report)

1938 July 15th
Aldershot News

Ash Parish Council proposal that Ash and Tongham join Aldershot but Normandy to be separate.
Ash main drainage.

1938 July 23rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
British Legion Garden Fete at Orchard Dene

1938 July 30th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The Guildford Rural Council have with the sanction of the Minister of Health agreed to a contract with Mr E Johnson for the construction of roads at the Westwood Lane site, Normandy for £460.
Village Hall Finances - improved balance reported - (Report)

1938 August 6th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Death of Mr W Sewry (79) of Willey Green (Report)

1938 September 3rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Friends at the Duke of Normandy sent a wreath to the funeral of Mr W Sewry of Willey Green which was reported last week.

1938 September 9th
Aldershot News

A fine of 20/- was imposed at Farnham Police Court on Thursday on Walter George Emery of Cleygate Farm, Normandy for keeping two dogs without licences at Normandy on August 3rd. Police Constable Harwood stated that when questioned about the licences for the dogs, the defendant said he had an exemption for the two dogs about six or seven years ago, and thought that still held good. Witness pointed out to him that exemption had to be applied for annually.
Normandy sports meeting
Organised by local Unionists on Saturday at Normandy Park - (Report)
1938 September 10th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Sports for children - Unionists Association successful event at Normandy Park (Report)

1938 September 24th
Surrey Advertiser
Ash Parish Council

Resignation of Mr S N Jenkinson as member of the council.
The Normandy Village Hall Committee are arranging a programme of entertainment for the winter. Billiards and snooker tournaments promise a good entry and matches are also being arranged with neighbouring institutes. Interesting evening classes including such subjects as folk dancing, 'keep fit', and upholstery will again take place in the hall this winter.

1938 October 1st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy

Air Raid Precautions
At the Village Hall, Normandy next Tuesday, Mr V C J Bridgeman will speak on 'The preparation of gas proof room and the fitting and fixing of gas masks.' Any person in Normandy who has not already received a gas mask should apply to Mr A Milton, the Manor Bungalow.

1938 October 7th
Aldershot News
Air raid precautions.

Some 1,200 respirators have been distributed in Normandy, but owing to the general shortage of masks a few people are yet to be provided for. They will be equipped it is hoped, shortly. Meanwhile, other branches of ARP work are continuing steadily. Anti gas, first aid and home nursing lectures have been arranged for the winter months, and the head Air Raid Warden, Mr L S Johnson of Four Gables, Normandy, will be pleased to enrol pupils. At the conclusion of a lecture in the Village Hall on Tuesday, when Mrs V C J Bridgeman explained the method of preserving gas respirators, and of the preparation of refuge rooms, to a company of between seventy and eighty people, some fifteen people signified their intention to attend the lectures.

1938 October 29th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Many Normandy residents attended an anti gas lecture by the Reverend C L Bell of Wood Street in connection with air raid precautions at the Village Hall, Normandy on Monday. These anti gas lectures are being given weekly. Next meeting in a week's time will take place at the Church Room.

1938 November 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Slackening of Moral Standards - need for better men and women - MP's speech at Fair to help Churchyard extension fund. - Sir John James opening fair at Normandy Village Hall.
(Long Report)
The Mid Southern Utility Company are to erect a small electricity sub station at Station Road, Normandy
An anti gas lecture in connection with Air Raid Precautions by the Reverend C L Bell of Wood Street at the Church Room on Monday was attended by about forty people. Next meeting in a week's time will take place at the Normandy Village Hall.
On Tuesday evening Mr Farmey, Victoria Road, Aldershot, was cycling at Normandy when he came into collision with a car at Dolly (?) Hill. Mr Farmey's right ankle was fractured and he was taken by the Guildford St John Ambulance to the Farnham Institute.
British Legion now has 102 members (Report)

1938 November 19th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Mr G T Harris has resigned the secretaryship of Normandy Village Hall Committee. His position has been filled by Mr J Dunlop, Station Road, Normandy.
Over 130 Legion members and ex-servicemen attended village memorial and service at Wyke Church on Sunday (Report)
1938 November 26th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Horace Starkey, Bailes Farm, Normandy, was fined 5/- (5 shillings) at Woking Police Court on Saturday for allowing a heifer to stray on to the highway.
At Guildford Borough Police Court on Monday, Brian Pickford, The Hermitage, Westwood Lane, Normandy was fined 10/- (10 shillings) inclusive with 1/- costs for driving a motor car with no red rear light, with the rear index number plate not illuminated at Aldershot Road, Guildford, and failing to produce his certificate of insurance and his drivers' licence at the same time and place. PC C J Harwood of the Surrey County Police, Normandy said that the defendant failed to produce these which were quite in order, until two days after the allotted time.
Motorcyclist on crutches in court - Car driver fined for lack of care
A motorcyclist used crutches, because of his injuries to his foot, to walk into Farnham Police Court on Thursday, and gave evidence against Amos Thompson of The Glen, Pirbright Road, Normandy, who pleaded not guilty to a charge of driving a motor vehicle in a manner dangerous to the public at Normandy on 1st November.
He was found not guilty, but was convicted of careless driving, to which he pleaded guilty and fined 5/- with 19/10d costs. He was disqualified from driving until he had passed a further test.
Stanley Farmery of Aldershot, the motorcyclist gave evidence that at about 7.45pm he was travelling at about 10 -15 mph. He drew right into the kerb. Not more than twelve feet away there appeared to him to be two cars coming up the hill abreast. It was a matter of seconds before he was struck, as there was not room for all the vehicles to get by. The car, which was driven by defendant, occupied all witness' side of the road.
Norman Henry Boylett of The Green, Pirbright, passenger in the motor van overtaken by the defendant's car and Eric Thomas Wells of Wardens House, Pirbright Road, Normandy, also gave evidence.
PC Fry said that the road at the scene of the accident was twenty feet wide. Defendant made a statement in which he said " When I had passed the van I turned back to my near side, and then I saw the motorcycle hit my offside running board. The motorcycle has eight feet to pass."
Defendant gave evidence that he thought the van was stationary and that he passed it with twelve feet allowance.
Thomas Brazil of The Glen, Normandy, a passenger in defendant's car, said the motorcyclist shot over the brow of the hill.
Defendant was fined, as stated for careless driving

1938 December 3rd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
A cyclist, Mr Percival Strickland of 3 Pirbright Road, Normandy lost a number of teeth and received shock and facial injuries when he was cycling to work at Normandy Park on Tuesday morning. At Dolleys Hill in the wind and rain he was concerned in a collision with a milk delivery van belonging to Mr Frederick Gilbert of Westwood Lane, Normandy, and was thrown from his machine. He was taken home and attended by Doctor G N Granstoun of Worplesdon

1938 December 10th
Surrey Advertiser

Normandy in the dark - a street lighting dilemma. (Report)
1938 December 14th
Surrey Advertiser
Problem of workers' unemployment - Debate in Normandy (Report)
1938 December 17th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
British Legion - successful smoking concert (Report)

1938 December 31st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Double Wedding
Mr George Pine, fourth son of the late Mr and Mrs W Pine of Flexford Close and Miss Lily Hartley, daughter of Mr and Mrs B Hartley of Elm Hill: and Mr Richard Pine, youngest son and Miss Nancy Kathleen Eggar, niece of Mr and Mrs Catchpole of Pirbright Road, Normandy. (Report)

1939 Thursday January 12th
Surrey and Hants News
Preserving Public Rights
The footpath leading from the Manor House, Normandy to Henley Park Road has, according to a report presented to Guildford Rural District Council, been obstructed.
The Highways Surveyor reported to the Council on Thursday that his request to the owner to provide stiles at two points along the footpath or remove the existing rails to enable the public to use the path without obstruction had not been complied with.
The Council decided that the owner, Mr C N Jenkinson, be given fourteen days notice to remove the obstruction to the footpath or repair the stiles, and that unless the notice is complied with within the period specified, the Council will themselves remove.

1939 January 13th
Aldershot News

Normandy Boy Scouts annual meeting. (Report)

1939 February 4th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The Guildford Rural Council is not objecting to the erection of a small electricity sub station in Station Road.
A course of lectures under the auspices of the British Red Cross Society and given by Dr J K Milligan of Guildford each Tuesday evening at the Village Hall are receiving encouraging support. 45 persons are now attending the lectures, at which demonstrations in bandaging are given by the Surrey / 59 (Worplesdon) detachment of the Society

1939 February 11th
Farnham Herald
Sewage Disposal at Ash

The Surveyor reported to a meeting of Guildford Rural District Council on Thursday (9 February 1939) on a complaint from Thames Conservancy relative to an offensive discharge of sewage from the Council's cesspool disposal site at South Wyke Farm, Ash. He had, he stated, met the Chief Inspector from the Thames Conservancy on the site and agreed to extend the area in the hope that the nuisance complained of would be abated. It was decided that the Thames Conservancy be notified of the action taken.
Obstruction of Footpath
At Thursdays (9 February) meeting of Guildford Rural District Council it was reported that notice had been served upon Mr S N Jenkinson (formerly a member of Ash Parish Council) for the removal of the obstruction to the footpath and the repair of the stiles on FP No 8 leading from Manor House, Normandy to Henley Park Road. The matter was referred back to the Highways Committee in the light of recent correspondence.
Death of Mr George Harbour (64), Christmas Pie Lane after fall from horse drawn vehicle - leg amputated
1939 February 26th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Married in Rhodesia - Former member of Guildford Scout Group - Mr Stanley Frank Summers, son of the late Mr C W Summers and Mrs Summers of Sunthorpe, Normandy was married in Southern Rhodesia on 7 January. (Report)
Alleged detention of tools - Normandy man's action fails - At Farnham County Court (Friday) before His Honour Judge Barnard Lailey KC, Herbert Ernest Bridger and Ellen Mary Hobden of 2 Osborne Cottages, Normandy Hill, Normandy for £10 damages for detention of goods and their return. (Report)

1939 March 10th
Aldershot News
Guildford Rural Council

Footpaths at Normandy. The Highways Surveyor reported that Mr S N Jenkinson had now repaired one of the stiles on the footpath leading from The Manor House Normandy, to Henley Park Road, and he had been given an assurance that the second stile on the right of way would also be repaired

1939 March 11th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
A fine of 5/- (5 shillings) was imposed by Woking magistrates on Saturday on Elsie Summerville of 67 Wyke Avenue, Normandy for riding a bicycle without a front light at Worplesdon on 17 February.
Cricket Club Annual Meeting - (Long report)

1939 March 11th
Farnham Herald
Council House Rents

Westwood Lane, Normandy
3 bedroom non parlour - 8/- [8 shillings] per week
4 bedroom parlour - 9/6 per week
3 bedroom non parlour convertible - 8/- per week
4 bedroom non parlour convertible - 9/6 per week
2 bedroom non parlour convertible - 6/6 per week
1939 March 25th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
At Guildford County Court yesterday (Friday) George Cooper of Westwood Farm, Normandy was fined 5/- for being in charge of a motor lorry without a rear light at Cranleigh on 28 February.
Lesson from the crisis - Address at League of Nations Union Meeting - Annual meeting of local branch in Parish Room on Monday - (Report)

1939 Thursday March 16th
Surrey and Hants News
Funeral of Mr Samuel Inkpen, Sunthorpe, Westwood Lane, Normandy

1939April 1st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
A series of lectures under the auspices of the British Red Cross Society and conducted by Dr J K Milligan at the Village Hall, Normandy has now concluded, and an examination will take place next Tuesday. The attendance at each lecture numbered nearly fifty.
Luckily unhurt through overturned in his Austin 7 car, Mr Frederick Carpenter of The Bakery, Normandy resumed his work a few minutes after a collision on the Guildford - Aldershot road on Friday last week. The other car was driven by Mr Charles Bookham, a motor driving instructor of the Standard of England, Ash Vale. Mr Carpenter's car was spun completely round and finished up on its side.

1939 April 1st
Farnham Herald
Sewerage promised 34 years ago.
Charity Accounts - Wyke Poor Allotment Charity for 1938
Fire protection arrangements for Normandy
[no details provided]
1939 April 7th
Aldershot News
Guildford Rural Council

More Normandy houses. The General Purposes Committee recommended that the council erect six houses on the existing housing site at Westwood Lane, Normandy, to meet the agricultural needs for Normandy, and the Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans for submission to the Ministry of Health. The Council agreed.

1939 April 8th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
It is proposed to erect six more Council houses in Westwood Lane, Normandy to meet agricultural needs.
The Guildford Rural Council are proposing to make clearance orders in respect of land 2 Deedmans Cottages, Willey Green and two semi-detached bungalows at Willey Green, Normandy

1939 April 8th
Farnham Herald
Council and 'The Rest' - home of A E Durbridge offer on 1 & 2 Westwood Farm Cottages.
Progress on new houses in Westwood Lane
[no details provided]
1939 April 11th
Surrey Advertiser?
Wyke and Normandy
; dance at village hall.
Obituary of Mr A Chant
1939 April 15th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The funeral took place at Wyke Church on Tuesday (Canon C J Tapsfield, vicar officiating) of Miss Susan Shipley who for five years had been in the service of Mrs L J Coussmaker at Westwood, Normandy. Her death occurred rather suddenly in hospital the previous Wednesday.
Wedding Easter Monday - of Miss Violet Grace Woodman only daughter of Mr and Mrs H E Woodman of Ramhurst, Flexford Close, Normandy and Mr Noah Chambers, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Chambers of Erith.

1939 April 22nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The late Mr Albert Chant of Whitchurt, Normandy died, aged 51 on Tuesday 11 April - Funeral at Wyke Church on Saturday 15 April. - (Report)

1939 April 29
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
John Leonard Avis, 27 Moorlands Road (= Morland Road?) Aldershot was fined 20/- (20 shillings = £1) at Farnham Police Court on Thursday for stealing wire netting value 17/-, the property of Edwin Ramsey Moody of Normandy.
Mr Reginald Sydney Summers, youngest son of the late Mr G W Summers and of Mrs Summers of Sunthorpe, Normandy was married at Tacket Street Congregational Church, Ipswich on Easter Monday to Miss Ruby Gladys Hall, second daughter of Mr S Hall of Harvey Street, Ipswich. - (Report and photo)

1939 May 6th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
The six new Council cottages in Westwood Lane are to be called Walden Cottages, the title name of the site being Walden Farm.
Ex servicemen between the ages of 45 and 55 and desirous of joining the National Defence Company are asked to get in touch with the Secretary, Normandy British Legion Branch, Mr T James.

1939 Thursday May 11th
Surrey and Hants News
Bombs at Normandy
Two high explosive 'bombs' were dropped on Normandy near the war memorial on Wednesday of last week, when ARP exercises were held. The 'explosion' blocked the main Aldershot - Guildford road, and five residents were 'injured'.
The village hall was fitted out as a casualty clearing hospital. Some 'casualties' were taken home by commandeered cars, others conveyed to a hospital in a lorry, and several received treatment at the village hall. Among others who took part were the ARP wardens, under Mr L S Johnson (head warden), members of the British Red Cross and the County Police.
Screen for Cathedral
Normandy parish has raised £200 to provide the screen for the new cathedral. This was disclosed to the Bishop when he paid a pastoral visit to the Parish Council on Tuesday of last week. Prior to the service the Vicar (Canon C J Tapsfield) entertained about sixty parishioners to tea at the Vicarage. It is estimated that about 150 subscribed to the gift.
A fire which broke out about 2.15am on Tuesday destroyed a four roomed bungalow - The Nook, Westwood Lane, Normandy - the residence of James Roland Bentley. The outbreak was discovered by Mr Bentley, the occupant of the cottage, and Aldershot Fire Brigade were soon in attendance.

1939 May 13th
Surrey Advertiser
SEWERAGE SCHEME - Yesterday's inquiry at Aldershot - (Long report)

1939 May 20th
Farnham Herald
Main drainage - Ash and Normandy
[no details provided]
1939 May 24th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Bungalow burned - A wooden bungalow known as The Nook, Westwood Lane, Normandy was destroyed by fire in the early hours of 'Tuesday morning. The occupier, Mr James Roland Bentley was awakened about 2.15am by a crackling noise and the smell of smoke. Opening the kitchen door he was met by flames. He ran and telephoned for the Aldershot Fire Brigade which arrived at 2.35pm, but they could do little to save the bungalow, which was gutted and its contents, although they used 600 feet of hose. Mr Bentley managed to save some clothes.

1939 May 26th
Aldershot News
Bungalow fire.
A bungalow in Westwood Lane, Normandy, known as 'The Nook', occupied by Mr J R Bentley, was completely gutted in the early hours of Tuesday. Mr Bentley discovered the fire about 1am. It must have been burning for some considerable time for though the Aldershot Fire Brigade responded to the call very quickly they found the bungalow, a wooden building, in such a condition that nothing could save it. The roof had fallen in, the furniture was well alight, and the building was practically a huge bonfire. The firemen connected to a hydrant in Westwood Lane, and found the pressure low. It was not until a telephone message was sent to the Mid Wessex Water Company that the pressure improved, and the brigade were able to direct two powerful jets on the flames, which were soon brought under control.

1939 Thursday June 22nd
Surrey and Hants News
Womens' Institute visits Henley Park
1939 Thursday July 20th
Surrey and Hans News
'A squib compared with the real thing' was how Mr Colston (Head Warden for Ash Vale) described the magnesium bomb with which he demonstrated at the Normandy warden post, the Manor Fruit Farm on Thursday. He showed about 50 residents how to deal with an incendiary bomb by the stirrup pump and rake and sand method. His demonstration was completely successful, and he preceded it with a lecture on incendiary bombs.

1939 July 22nd
Surrey Advertiser
Letter - Life in Germany
Sir - I should like to say, for the benefit of those misguided people, and unfortunately there are many such, who believe the lies about Germany put forward by the English press and in other ways, that I have been motoring in Germany from Treves on the Belgian frontier to Vielagh in Corinthia, staying both in large towns and small villages. Everywhere, from the customs officials to the humblest innkeeper, I have received a welcome, courtesy, any help I needed and genuine kindness. I saw everywhere a happy contented people, enjoying under Nazi rule far more privileges and pleasures than we have in England. Food is plentiful everywhere and very cheap. The only dear article in Germany is wool. Anyone who wants a delightful holiday should go to Germany.
Incidentally there is no difficulty over money at all.

Yours etc, Elizebeth Still
Red Pines, Normandy 20th July.

1939 July 22nd
Surrey Times and Weekly Press

Army lorry crash - driver who obeyed officer's instruction - Guildford Road, Normandy.

1939 July 22nd
Farnham Herald
Accident at Elm Hill - army lorry/car at junction of Guildford Road and Pirbright Road.
[no details provided]
1939 Thursday July 27th
Surrey and Hants News
Jollity at Orchardene
Successful British Legion Fete

1939 July 29th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Military hospital site at Normandy
Rural council protests to War Office - proposed site in Westwood Lane, Normandy.
Normandy Village Hall
A balance of £16 was revealed by the financial statement presented at the annual meeting of the Normandy Village Hall on Wednesday, when it was stated that the dances there this year had been greatly appreciated by those who supported them, as the hall now possesses one of the best floors in the district.

1939 July 29th
Surrey Times and Weekly Press
Life in Germany
Sir, The writer of 'Life in Germany' in your last week's issue should be more guarded in her language and some of her facts.
What she calls "Lies…..put forward in the English Press" I can confirm as true through personal acquaintances with German friends living in that country, whose experience is very different from hers. They do not find food plentiful and cheap. To take one or two instances bread is dark in colour and unpalatable through being mixed with potatoes and other ingredients. Cream has been forbidden for the last six months. Eggs are, among other things, difficult to get.
Tourists are no doubt welcome and find no difficulty about money, as the foreign money they bring in helps the exchange. At the same time they tried, when I was last in Germany eighteen months ago, to declare any foreign money in their possession in order to ensure that they only took the same amount on leaving as they brought with them. But Germans wishing to visit England may only take ten marks with them and live on their friends whilst there. 'Devisen' may be obtained after some months delay, by persons wanting to go to Switzerland for health reasons, for a limited amount.
There are other conditions affecting children and young people, which are very trying to parents.
Hilda Spencer (Mrs)
July 27th

1939 August 3rd
Surrey and Hants News / Farnham Advertiser / Aldershot Gazette / Guildford Times
Council Planning Scheme contravened.
'Llandi', Beech Lane, Normandy
Guildford Rural District Council is to consider the question of demolishing 'Llandi', Beech Lane, Normandy
Manor Croft, Normandy
The owner of business premises on land which used to be known at Manor Croft, Normandy, is to be told that the buildings contravene the District Council's planning scheme, and by laws. The plans have been disapproved, and the owner is to be requested to make arrangements for the removal of the premises.
The 'Hot Dog' roadside cafe
The 'Hot Dog', a roadside cafe at Normandy, has also been built on residential area without prior submission of plans. The owner is to be informed that he is contravening the planning scheme, and the District Council has referred the matter to the County Council for action under the Ribbon Development Restoration Act (1935)
Christmas Pie 'attacked'
ARP exercise - [Report]

1939 August 5th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Conditions in Germany

Elizabeth Still of Normandy replied to criticism of an earlier letter of hers regarding living conditions in Germany. She wrote from personal experience of visiting Germany, and said that there was no evidence of hardship for the people, and suggested that a biased English Press influenced her critics. (Précis of letter)
The editor declared correspondence on the issue was now closed.
Proposed Military Hospital in Normandy.
A P Bevan (Parish Councillor) wrote the following regarding a 'Proposed Military Hospital'.
Sir. With regard to the report of the proposed Military Hospital in Normandy appearing in your paper, surely it is a comical attitude to take that the Military Authorities should consult the members of the Guildford Rural District Council as to the suitability of the Westwood Lane site for the proposed purpose. Do the said heterogeneous collection of men really consider that they are able to give technical advice superior to that available to the War Office?
While agreeing with Mr W J Henry that such an institution would be welcomed in Normandy, I cannot support the view that the site is located on heavy soil - as a matter of fact it varies from a very light sand loam for the most part - there being a small strip of heavier soil.
Since we in Normandy have been promised that our drainage scheme will be completed in the immediate future, the objection of drainage would hardly arise unless the Rural District Council are contemplating defaulting with regard to their pledges to Normandy.
While it is true that the land is scheduled under the town planning scheme as a residential area, I do not believe that anyone would wish to classify a hospital as industrial, any more than they would so catalogue a school or other public amenity. It would, on the whole, seem doubtful whether a more attractive site could be found, conducive to the rapid recovery to health of the patients: for there is an unbroken view of the Hogs Back, and a vast open space behind to the north.
With regard to the spoiling of the amenities of Westwood Lane, Normandy seems distinctly puzzled as to why a benevolent institution like a great hospital could possible effect such a result - surely it could not in any way spoil the derelict land on which the Council has erected its own houses. The opposition to this scheme seems to entirely neglect the interests of both the Country as a whole, and those of Normandy in particular.

1939 August 21st
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
ARP Examinations Result
Nineteen candidates who sat were successful in anti-gas examination under the auspices of the British Red Cross Society at Normandy in December. They were Mr W G Kitchin, Mrs M G F Bevan, Mr W G Olly, Mr G Joyce, Mr A Watson, Mr A W Milton, Mrs E Makean, Mr R Makean, Mrs M Ball, Mrs C M Addington, Mr T Ashby, Miss J Ashby, Mrs J Vaughan, Miss N Wilson, Mr A W Milton, Mr P Milton, Miss A F Chate, Miss B Lowndes, Mr D Joyce, and the Rev C J Bell (Lecturers' Course). In connection with the British Red Cross Society a course of eight lectures on first-aid will begin at the Village Hall next Tuesday at 8 o'clock.

1939 Thursday August 24th
Surrey and Hants News
William Mullard - accident
Air Raid Wardens Post - Manor Fruit Farm

1939 September 2nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Wedding on Tuesday at Wyke Parish Church of Michael N Jenkinson, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Jenkinson of 'Longerend', Normandy and Miss Jean Gardner, daughter of Dr James Gardner of Ramsbury, Wiltshire - (Report)

1939 September 9th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy

Road accident. - A collision occurred between a motorcycle and a cycle on Wyke Heath, Normandy on Saturday night during the severe thunderstorm. The motorcycle was driven by Mr John G Bowen with Mr John Dear as pillion passenger.

The pedal cycle was being ridden by Mr Arthur R Bennett of Pinewoods Post Office, Ash who received a fractured collar bone, cuts and abrasions. Mr Dear had cuts and abrasions and both were taken to hospital in Aldershot. Mr Bowen was not hurt but both machines were damaged. Mrs Bennett was riding her cycle in company with her husband, but she was not injured.

1939 September 14th
Surrey and Hants News / Farnham Advertiser / Aldershot Gazette / Guildford Times
Absent without leave.
Private Ernest Walker, aged 35, a serving soldier of Normandy, appeared before Mrs O H Brown on Tuesday, charged with being absent from his unit without leave since 9.30pm on Monday.
Evidence was given by Inspector Ashley T Steeds, that when the accused was seen by a special constable in Woodbridge Road at 12.10am on Tuesday he admitted being an absentee. White was remanded to be a handed over to a military escort.

1939 September 16th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy British Legion Club
The British Legion has been thrown open for the use of men serving in any of His Majesty's Forces. A snack bar is being run by ladies associated with the club, and facilities for writing letters have also been provided.
Harvest Festival at Methodist Church
Gas masks at Harvest Festival (Normandy Congregational Church)

1939 September 30th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Normandy British Legion
The Normandy branch of the British Legion will parade at the garage at 2.50pm tomorrow (Sunday). The parade is in connection with the national intercession services, and it is hoped that all members will make a special effort to attend.
Miss Jocelyn Mills
The death of Miss Jocelyn Mills, aged 26, daughter of Mr and Mrs Mills of the Post Office, Normandy, took place on Wednesday. Miss Mills had been ill since Easter. She was educated at the County School for Girls, and was a bookkeeper at Marion Jacks, London. The funeral is today (Saturday).

1939 October 7th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Schools and ARP
To the Editor
Sir, - The Wyke and Normandy School opened last Monday week. Do the parents of children attending realise that the school has no protection against air raids and that in the event of an air raid they will not be allowed to take their children to a more safe place.
I interviewed several of the mothers last week, and they were fully convinced that some measures of protection had been taken, as they were given to understand that no school would open without trenches or shelters.
Yours etc.
(Mrs) Vera Sorrett
The position in regard to Surrey schools was explained at a meeting of Surrey County Council last week, and reported in our column on Saturday. Editor
Normandy British Legion
At the annual meeting of the Normandy British Legion branch in the Legion Club on Wednesday, the following were elected as officers and committee for the year. - President - Col. L Harwood; Chairman - Major H Darby; Vice Chairman - Mr A Bevan; Secretary - Mr T James; Treasurer - Mr C Saunders. Assistant Secretary - Mr Atkins; Committee - Mr A Olliver; L Edwards, A Hoskins, R Hammond, D Roberts, W Cooley. Standard Bearer - C Saunders.
Funeral of Miss Jocelyn Mills

1939 October 14th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Air Raid Shelter wanted at Wyke School
Petitions in preparation
Petitions are being prepared concerning the need for air raid shelters at Ash Wyke School.
This was mentioned at a meeting of Ash Parish Council on Monday when the question of the provision of air raid shelters at various schools was raised by Mr A P Bevan.
Mr C O Manfield (Chairman) said he understood that there were no shelters at Wyke School. It appeared that Normandy was not regarded as a vulnerable area, although it was only half a mile from Ash.
Mr Bevan said the real value of shelter accommodation was psychological. Mothers felt more satisfied, and it was not a very expensive job.
Mr W J Henry said the Emergency Committee of the Surrey County Council decided that shelters were necessary only at Ash, Ash Street and Ash Vale. Representations were made to him as chairman of the managers of Wyke School, and he thought that perhaps there was a preponderance of opinion in favour of a shelter. He took the matter up with the correspondent of the school, and pointed out that it was not a question of economy, but of psychology - they did not want to have 100 mothers rushing to the school to find their children in the vent of an air raid. They had asked that the matter might be reconsidered by the County Emergency Committee. They had not had a very favourable reply, but two petitions were being prepared in the parish.
A resolution, moved by Mr Henry, and seconded by Mr Milton, that in the opinion of the Council, an air raid shelter is necessary at Ash Wyke School was carried. It was stated that the erection of shelters at Ash Street and Ash Common had been started, and that a third was on the way.
The late Mrs H Deedman - Funeral at Wyke
[Long report]
Mr Charles T Harwood
On his promotion from constable to sergeant in the Surrey Constabulary, Mr Charles T Harwood has left Normandy for Farnham.

1939 October 18th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke & Normandy
Killed on hogs back - Normandy motorcyclists' fate
A motorcyclist, Mr Arthur Charles White of Clover Lea, Westwood Lane, Normandy, died from injuries received in an accident on the Hogs Back yesterday (Tuesday) morning.
Mr White, who was about 34, was in the employ of Billing and Sons, Guildford. He was riding along the Hogs Back towards the town at about 7.25am, and had had reached a point 30 or 40 feet on the Guildford side of the Compton turning, when a collision occurred with a car, which was driven by Ft Lt R A P Roberts in the opposite direction.
Mr White received severe injuries and must have died almost instantaneously. The Guildford St John ambulance attended.
An inquest will be opened at Guildford on Friday.

1939 October 21st
Surrey Advertiser

Death of Mr J Hutchins (69), licensee of The Anchor for forty-one years, on Monday. (Report).

1939 October 21st
Farnham Herald
Death of Mr Arthur Charles White, Clover Lea, Westwood Lane.
Motor cycle accident on Hogs Back.
[no details provided]
1939 October 28th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

Funeral of Mr Arthur Charles White, Clover Lea, Westwood Lane, Normandy. (Report)

1939 November 4th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

A poultry house at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Barrett of Sark, Station Road, Normandy was destroyed by fire on Thursday last week. Eighty young chickens and various oddments were also lost.

1939 November 11th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

While cycling at Elm Hill, Ash on Tuesday evening Mr R Fisher, Normandy Park, Normandy came into collision with a lorry. He suffered injuries to a thigh and left hand and concussion and was taken to hospital in the Guildford St John ambulance.

1939 November 18th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

Death of Mrs Alice Jane Baker (67), Dewfain, Guildford Road, Normandy on Tuesday.

1939 December 2nd
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

Meeting of Wyke and Normandy Church Council.

1939 December 9th
Surrey Advertiser
Wyke and Normandy

The Guildford Rural Council will have a white line painted from Wyke Church to the Hogs Back along Westwood Lane as soon as pressure of existing work permits.


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